Friday, May 22, 2009

Guest Blog - Lucy and Me!

I am writing this blog for my friend Heather - this is her experience - and was so hilarious that it has to be blogged.

My friend Heather is a smart, funny, kind woman.....who works too hard and has too many kids! :-) She is like all of us moms - totally overworked!

So on Mothers Day, she was taking her sweet dog, Lucy, out for her morning walk (you have seen Lucy on this blog - she is a brittany spaniel that we take care of sometimes). Heather decides that since it is Mothers Day, she is going to treat herself to a Starbucks and sit outside at a table and drink her coffee with her dog.

So she walks to Starbucks and ties Lucy to a table and goes in to order her coffee. While inside, she is relishing the beauty of the morning and looking forward to the quiet time with her coffee and her loyal dog.

At this point, she looks outside to find her magical thoughts broken as she sees Lucy running down the street, towards a 4 lane road, with the Starbucks table being pulled behind her! Apparently Lucy freaked out about being left alone, started running, causing the table to go over and still being tied to it she thought the table was chasing her!

Luckily Heather saw this - SCREAMED - and went running after Lucy!

Luckily, Lucy got herself, and the table, wrapped around a tree before she could make it to the 4 lane road!

By the time Heather got to Lucy, she (Lucy) was so scared she litterally scared the poop out of herself!

Luckily a nice man came and carried the table back to Starbucks.

Heather and Lucy sat down on the sidewalk in an effort to calm down and have a little bit of that quiet time that Heather was looking forward to.

Instead of Marley and Me....this story is called Lucy and Me!

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