Thursday, February 28, 2008

Gotta Love those Pre-teens

Yesterday I had such a funny converstion with Drew regarding my going on a field trip with his class. His teacher had requested that I participate and drive on a class field trip to a cinema event. Being a committed mom, I moved around my schedule and opened a 4 hour block of time on a Tuesday morning. And with how crunched I am right now, it was quite a feat to open up the time.

So.... I tell him last nite that I am planning on participating in the field trip and here is our converstation:

Drew: "Oh - I really want to go with Tyler's Mom. But you can still go."
Me: " Why would I go if you are going with another Mom?"
Drew: "Well, you can just take some other kids. I still want you to go but I REALLY want to go with Tyler's Mom."
Me: "Oh yea, just what I want to do, experience a 6th grade field trip with someone else's kid!"

So, the window of 4 hours is now open again! When I told his teacher about the conversation, she cracked up - such a pre-teen!

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