Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Pontoon Mama's Blog

Chicken hangover

So....when Jim was recovering from his "old brittle missile" injury, I gave him a list of things to do. I know that surprises all of you! Anyway, one of the things I asked him to do was to get chicken food. I should have known that a direction that was that broad would have led to confusion....

Jim went off and happily got the "chicken food" and used his one good arm to fill up the chicken's bowl. Later that day we went off to the cabin for the weekend.

When I returned from a weekend away, the first thing I did was go and check on "the ladies". Imagine my surprise when I saw that their bowl was NOT filled with chicken food but was filled with what could be described as chicken candy -- it is the treat that you feed them - only occassionally!! They basically spent the whole weekend eating treats!

Now... chickens who lay eggs need a very high percentage of protein in their food, which is why they eat a special feed called layers mash NOT chicken candy! I few days after we returned from our weekend trip the ladies suddenly stopped laying eggs! Thus....the chicken hangover! Apparently the candy binge had caught up with them and effected their ability to make eggs. They stopped laying for 3 days and then started up again after I pushed a diet high in protein (turkey, cheese, scrambled eggs)!

All in all, they recovered nicely. The lesson here: provide the husband with really clear direction when giving him tasks!

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