Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Pontoon Mama's Blog

Chicken 911

So here I am sitting in my home office working and I hear the sound of someone screaming or shouting. I can't hear much because when Jim built the house he made it practically sound proof. But after awhile I decide I better go investigate. I walk in the kitchen and see my neighbor hanging over the fence waving his arms. I run out worried that he is hurt or ill. I open the door and he screams one of your chickens is over here!!!!

Turns out that Betty has made a break for it! Dumb chicken chooses to go over the one fence that has a dog living there. Lucky for Betty the dog didn't get a chance to find her before my neighbor did. My neighbor picked her up with a little coaching and handed her to me. I put her back in the coop where her other chicken friends were already in bed!

Betty, Betty, Betty....

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