Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Pontoon Mama's Blog

A day in the life...

Yesterday was a banner day!

My day started out delightful with a 1 hour trek on the eliptical machine at the gym and some early meetings at work that were productive.

But then it went down hill.... Jim calls and tells this elaborate story about how he was in a wreck on the freeway because some woman came to a complete stop in the middle freeway in order to "save" a pigeon that had been hit by a car! He said she literally slammed on her brakes causing a 5 car pile up, jumped out of the car and rendered aid to a pigeon! Must be one of those militant vegetarian types ;-). Luckily his truck was not damaged - only hit the bumper.

After Jim's report, I turned my attention back to my quiet office with my cup of tea and had highly productive day managing the crazy cases we get at work. All the calm was broken with a mayday call from Jim because he locked ALL 3 of his keys in his truck in the Sportsmart parking lot. I was too far away to help so he walked home and we agreed to call AAA after I got home and we had dinner.

Back to calm and peace on my communte home --- NOT! Everyone is back from their holiday break and the roads were a mess. On the way home I talked to a girlfriend who has not had a raise in 3 years and needed advice on how to ask her boss for a raise. We strategized and she ended up with a good plan. The meeting is today and I am anxious to find out what happened. I suggested asking for more than she really wanted so there was room for negotiation. She is hoping for a 10 percent raise....I am hoping she gets a 15 percent raise. She deserves it!

So after the raise strategizing session I walk into the house to be happily greeted by the dog, Gracie and Drew --- who is covered head to toe with a rash! WHAT!!!!??? Someone could have given me a heads up that Drew looked like he had been rolling in a poison oak bush! That puts the whole plan for the next day on hold. You can't take a kid to school if he has a rash.... I figured I would ignore it for awhile and hope it went away.

So we scarf dinner (that my mom so kindly made and everyone loved) and headed off to Sportsmart to meet AAA. They gave us a 45 minute window of when they would be there but it ended up taking 90 minutes! Oy Vey!

But while waiting in the parking lot in my truck, we had some good quality family time. The dog was with us but was so tired (it was 8pm) that she couldn't keep her eyes open. So the kids took the opportunity to torture her by putting different hats on her. Also while waiting for AAA I called the doc about Drew's rash which did not disappear while I was ignoring it. The doc was stumped but freaked us out asking about scabies, chicken pox, etc. Since no firm diagnosis could be made, a doctor appt was scheduled (read more about that below).

After the AAA guy showed (note, he was about 5 feet tall and could barely see in the window of Jim's truck) and broke in, we heading home.....(it was 8:45!) What a delightful evening.

So off to bed only to wake up in the morning to go for a 3 mile run with the dog and come home to see see a bumpy faced Drew on the couch. So lots of rushing to make back up plans in case Drew could not go to school. We dropped Gracie off at school, ran Drew to the doc to receive a diagnosis of "some kind of viral rash". The doc said "I don't think he is a public health menance and can go to school". So off to school he goes, off to work I go....back to peace and quiet of my office with my cup of tea.

All in the day of a mom. What next?

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