Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Joshua Tree

After 14 months of a pandemic and being completely vaccinated, Jim and I decided to take a quick trip to Joshua Tree National Park.
It was so cool to see all the different plants.  And we saw tons of wildlife including a coyote, lots of lizards and birds, a couple snakes and tons of jackrabbits!
We had to take several short hikes because it was too hot to do a long one.  We hiked to an old mine area and an old home.  It's crazy to think people chose to live in this harsh desert climate.

We saw three different cholla plants including a cholla garden which was wall to wall with teddy bear chollas.

This is what we were there to see - Joshua Trees.  These trees only grow an inch a year and can be 150 years old.

At nite, I journaled the plants and animals we saw.  I have been journalling my hikes all year and I am sad to say I am not improving.  We also played a lot of kings in the corner.
This is the view from Keyes Point - it looked over into Coachella and Palm Springs and was a lot cooler than the rest of the park.  We had a picnic lunch here.

Desert Paint Brush
Paper bag plant


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