Saturday, January 30, 2021

A Peek at my Week

Its work from the cabin time and I thought it would be fun to capture a few of the highlight from my week.
 It has been consistently cold here all week with lots of rain, snow and slush.  I had worked upstairs at the beginning of the week where it is easy to keep at 80 degrees with the wood stove.  But because of crowds...4 dogs and 2 other people, I moved downstairs to where the new heater is struggling to keep it at 62 degrees.  So Anna suggested I go over to her house and pick up one of their electric fire places!  We found the one above in the closet and it had never been used.    It works for up to a 1000 square feet so it makes it much more comfortable to work.  I love this pic because it shows how my beautifully remodeled basement has been junked up by the dogs and the beardies!  Also - Grendel is loving the additional heat because she was like a beardie popsicle.

Ahi waits for me to say "let's go to work" in the morning and then she runs down to my office and sleeps on the chair next to my desk all day.  On this morning, she made a lap around my desk.  And by "around" I mean on top of my desk ad over my computers.

Consistent with the heat problem noted above, I dove deep into the depths of fashion crisis and ended up working in this "get up" to keep my feet warm.  This was the day that I decided we needed a space heater or to get another wall heater in the basement.

On Thursday at lunch we had a special speakers event which a few of my colleagues arranged.  The speakers were the lawyer and the exonerated death row prisoner from the Netflix show Innocence Files, episode 8.  Wow!  Just wow!  It was so incredible.  Alfred DeWayne Brown was falsely convicted of murdering a white police officer in Houston.  The corruption of a white male district attorney, plus an incredibly broken justice system, led to his conviction.  It was so moving to hear about the lawyer's laser focused commitment to free DeWayne and DeWayne's commitment to not let hate into his heart.  I highly recommend watching the Netflix show and then donating to the Innocence Project, which is what DeWayne donated his speaking fees too.

Probably the best part of my work week is sharing some time with Oakley in my "office".   She is up for the week while her Dad skis in Tahoe.   

Overall, the highlight of my week was when Grace and I bugged out early from work/school and took the dogs up to the snow near the Ranger Station to play for a little while.  Unfortunately I did not get any pictures, but just picture 3 labradors bounding through the snow with sheer joy and big dog smiles.....and Oak with some crazy eyes!

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