Saturday, March 21, 2020

Egg time

So settle in for this story....

Since I have been working from home, my new workmate is Tre.  She sits right by where I work so I can watch her most of the day.

Earlier this week, she started going crazy - running back and forth in her tank, knocking over her plant, breaking her hammock and knocking her chaise lounge off her perch.

At one point I thought I saw an egg in there but when I went back 5 minutes later to take a picture, it was GONE!?!?

Then, on Thursday, she started digging at the bottom of the tank like she was possessed by a digging demon!

Grace was on a school call in the office, so I texted her and said "Tre needs sand to dig in ASAP"!  So G comes running out and gets a bin full of sand for the tank.  Literally, Tre dove into the sand and started digging like mad.  You can see the results in the pic above.  Her whole take is destroyed!

No eggs yet but we keep checking.

Tre taking a break from the digging frenzy!

Below is Grendel's tank, which is nice and neat and is what Tre's normally looks like.

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