Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cherry Boondoggle

We went on a Cherry Lake boondoggle over the weekend. We were originally going to take Daisy's ashes to scatter them in her favorite place in the world.  But as we were talking about doing it, I would start to cry!   So it's not time yet.  So she is going to spend some time at the cabin and we will think about doing it some other time.

We went anyway and had a stunning October day.  We saw a river otter, a bald eagle, lots of lady bugs and a bear on our way out.

The water was quite low so we did some hunting around.  It's fun to hunt for treasures that have fallen out of boats.   Below is pic of the finds, which included:  A full sized bed pillow, an anchor, two shoes, a rope, an old Pepsi can, flashers, a lure, an old balloon and string and a tennis ball (among other random trash).  Not shown is an entire fishing pole, with line and lure still on it.

On our way out of the canyon, a bear bounded out of the brush on the left side of the road and bounded down the road before veering off into to the brush on the right side of the road.


River otter

There is one in every crowd!
 It was a great day in the wilderness!
Hops trying to sleep after a lot of swimming.

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