Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Chip the Chihuahua was reunited with his boy this morning!

After we found him last nite, we drove around the neighborhood with a friend who had some ideas on where he might live. But nothing panned out.

Then she found a flier with a pic of a dog that looked just like te one we found. So we called the number and at 10 pm, a guy came and looked at the dog. I knew it wasnt his because the dog barked at him immediately.

So we settled him in for the nite in Ahi's crate. He barked at first but then settled down all nite.

This morning after I went to the gym, I called the animal shelter. My intent was to have them come out to pick him up. I was hoping he was microchipped. I waited on hold for 25 minutes and then finally hung up.

Before I could call back, I got a call from a friend who said her neighbor lost a dog that looked just like the one I found. The neighbor was a little boy!

So she took the little boy to my house. He walked in - called the dog "Chip" and "Chip" ran over and jumped in his arms!

Just like a Disney movie!

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