Thursday, June 28, 2007

Food Chain, Baby

We are up at the cabin this week. I am working during the day but fishing in the evening. Last nite I had Drew and one of his buddies with me at the lake and we were fishing for blue gill. I hooked a huge blue gill (HUGE for a blue gill is about 4 inches!). While it is was on the hook and still in the water a huge bass (HUGE for a bass is about 20 inches long) started eyeing it. Drew was freaking out telling me to pull the blue gill out of the water but I just thought the bass was going to harass the blue gill a little. I was WRONG! The bass opened his huge
mouth and chomped down on my blue gill! I screamed like a girl and Drew grabbed my pole and took charge of the situation. I use the words "taking charge" loosely because he was pretty much screaming like a girl too! Him and his buddy Jared fought the bass and shrieked until the bass finally let go of the blue gill! Then they released the blue gill, who was miracously still alive!

We have been talking about the experience ever since! And like Jim says...."that's the food chain, baby...."

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