Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Dog's Bad Day

Earlier this week, I got up early to go running and went thru my normal routine:
Crawl out of bed and while still asleep, get dressed, put in my contacts and head downstairs. Usually before I have even turned on the bathroom light (which is about 5 feet from my bed), the dog has heard me and is there wagging her tail and ready to go.

That particular morning, she was a "no show" for the first time ever!!! As I was leaving the bedroom, Jim said to me, "the dog is in Drew's room". So I figured she was sleeping in there and was just out cold and had not heard me. I assumed that once she heard me walking down the hall and the stairs, she would be up.

So I go down stairs and put on my shoes....still no dog!?!? So I whistle for her. She can hear me whistle a mile away and stops everything she is doing and comes running.

Still no dog!!

What?? Now I am sure she is dead - must have had a doggie heart attack or aneurysm.

At that point Jim comes to the landing upstairs and leans over to tell me that Daisy is in Drew's room and the door is CLOSED!!!

The poor thing must have been screaming......"WAIT FOR ME, I AM HERE, I HAVE NO THUMBS, I CAN'T TURN THE DOOR KNOB, DON'T LEAVE WITHOUT ME!!!!!"

He opened the door and she came hauling butt downstairs looking very concerned!

I would say that was the begining of a bad dog day --- which got better when she got to go out for a run!

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