Monday, July 22, 2024

Memorial Service for Daisy Mae and Ahi Wasabi

On July 21, 2024 at 5:30 pm, we held a memorial service for Daisy Mae and Ahi Wasabi and sprinkled their ashes together in one of their favorite spots.  They will forever be together.
Before the ceremony, we spent the day enjoying the beautiful weather, nature, swimming, fishing and playing with the dogs.  The extra dog in the middle is Kierstienne, a CCI pup we were watching.
The ceremony was held in the grove of trees at the end of the lake.  Right near the Magic Fishing Hole.
Our special guests:  Astrid, Hops and Kierstienne.  They seemed to understand that this was a special occasion and were incredibly well behaved, staying in a down the whole time.
Here they are watching Jim walk up from the Magic Fishing Hole.
After the ceremony we had some quiet time fishing.  We then had dinner on the boat before heading home.

This is the Euology that I read to the dogs who were in attendance:

Eulogy for Cherry

As we bring Daisy and Ahi to their final resting spots, we want to remember them for the joy they brought to our family. 


In remembering Daisy we celebrate her uniqueness.

We remember:

That she was the labrador that raised the children in our family.

How she liked to fetch rocks from the bottom of Cherry Lake.   And wore down her teeth doing so.


How she didn’t like to listen to anyone but her mama.


How she panted all the way to Cherry Lake.


How she welcomed (with some grumpiness) new dogs into our family or tolerated rescued dogs that we would bring home.

How she would jump off of boulders at Cherry to follow her kids in the water.

How she would cry when she had to stay in the boat when others were jumping from 40 foot high rocks.

How she broke her leg when she was just 4 months old while sledding with her family - and how that never held her back.

How she was the most loyal Labrador there has ever been.

How she grew to be quite grumpy when she got old and we respected that.

How she hated Lola the German Shepard from the second she met her.

How she was a trust running partner for years and years.

In remembering Ahi we celebrate her feisty nature:

How she thought she was a Labrador and that she was the leader of the pack, regardless of how many Labradors we brought into the house.

How one of her very important jobs was to let Canine Companions pups know that not every dog was “rainbows and unicorns”.  

How we had her out on a hike one day and ran into a bear hunter who said “that there is a bear dog” and pointed at Ahi.

How she went from a terrified rescue to an angry, over confident weener.

How we almost lost her twice - once at the local elementary school and once in the forest behind the cabin - and she made her way home by herself.  Much to our surprise.

That she almost died multiple times from intestinal issues and liver issues but fully recovered to spread her spicy opinions!

RIP Daisy Mae - may you forever fetch sticks.

RIP Ahi Wasabi - may you find peace and occasionally put others in their place

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