Monday, July 22, 2024

Mammoth July 2024

Jim, Hops and Astrid and I went to Mammoth from the cabin for a weekend in mid-July right after Ahi passed.  We went to celebrate her life and get out of the heat.  We also had the bonus of seeing Grace.  (Above pic is Mono Lake looking from the Whoa Nelly Deli parking lot where we stopped and fed the dogs)
We stayed at great condo in the Westin property in Mammoth.  It was on the 6th floor which meant it was a haul to take the dogs out.  But they are so good it was not even and issue.

On Saturday, we drove south all the way to Lone Pine to check out all the little towns along the way.  Highlights were:

The Whitney Portal which is where hikers start to go up to summit Mt Whitney

The Mt Whitney Fish Hatchery which is 100 years old

The fish slough which is a spring fed saline slough that has all kinds of unique species in it

Alabama Hills

Sabrina Lake and North Lake

Hops sleeping in the condo closet!   She is nuts!


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