Sitting on the patio watching the people |
Grace and I are in Pismo for her 2014 birthday weekend (a couple months late....but that's what you get when you play too much soccer).
I picked her up from school at 2:30 and we headed down. We hit rain just about the whole way and sometimes it was HEAVY! Grace slept about an hour and the dogs slept the whole way.
When we got here we went for a walk on the boardwalk and pier and they were doing a xmas production. Santa was there and they lit up a tree at the end of the pier (see pic). They also had a choir singing xmas music. They were really good but Grace and I were totally distracted by a guy who looked just like Dwight from "The Office". He was playing violin wearing a trench coat. Then we moved on to giggling about a guys mustache....it looked like something from a comedy sketch. We tried to get pics but they walked away before we could!
The dogs were a little unsettled for an hour or so and then they settled right in. Ahi was in her bed and Daisy was laying by my feet.
We ate some cheese, crackers and salami for dinner, watched the OR vs AZ football game and played some backgammon before crashing for the nite.
I took the dogs for a long walk on the beach in the morning. Ahi, who hates sand, loved it because it had been raining the day before so the sand was really firm and not flying in her face. She ran around like crazy and kept running back to be as if to say, "can you believe this? it's so fun!"
Ahi in her bed |
At the end of the pier |
Watching the people go by |
5:30 am |
A nice place to have a cup of tea....or five! |
First surf of the weekend |
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