Friday, May 02, 2014

Lifecycle of a Wart

1st - I get this pic mid day from school with the text - "What is wrong with my wart"

This blog post shows the lifecycle of a wart at our house.  The beginning of the story is that Drew has been talking about a wart on his knee for months and I have been ignoring it.....until I sat next to him on an airplane and saw it!  It was so gross - it looked like there was something on his leg and I kept wanting to flick it off!

2nd - this pic showing the wart exploded
So as soon as we got home from Seattle I got him and appt to get it frozen off.  That was Wednesday afternoon. 

These are pics from mid-day on Thursday.

3rd - this pic showing the removed wart

5th - this pic showing nurse Amanda
6th - this pic with a text saying
"All better"
4th - this pic showing the aftermath

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