Hanging right next to Drew and Grace's graduation gowns is this sign (that we have had since Drew was a baby) and this picture. How does it go so fast?
It is a big week with a Jr High graduation and a High School graduation. We are definitely in a period of transition in our family. It is "all good" but it is different. It is certainly a time to reflect.
I could not be more pleased at the young people that these little ones in the picture have grown into.
A wise woman once told me, in regards to raising children, "start where you want to finish". She meant, if you want to have responsible, confident, respectful, empathetic, happy adults, start with that as the goal at the beginning. So when Drew and Grace were babies, that was our stated goal and we stayed focused on that over the past 18 and a half years. That is a LONG time to stay focused on a goal but the effort was worth it.
I feel very confident that we are sending Drew off to college and adulthood with those traits firmly a part of his personality and I feel strongly that they will serve him well in adulthood. And, although Grace is 4 years from college, I see examples everyday that she has internalized these traits and in fact, they have made her wise beyond her years.
So as we celebrate these important milestones for Drew and Grace, I am going to celebrate parenthood too -- because it all goes together. I am really proud and lucky to be the mom of these two unique, amazing people. They have taught me as much, or more, as I have taught them.
Congratulations to Drew and Grace. May life continue to be good to you! And may you always remember how much "yo mama" loves you.