Today was Jackson's first day of kindergarten and Sam's first day of 2nd grade.
This is a blog by a "real" mom for other "real" moms. I am no fakey who is wonderful at everything....I do a lot of different things and try to do them well...but when it comes right down to it, I am just an average mom trying to do the right thing to ensure my family is happy and healthy and that my kids grow up able to take care of themselves and get out of my hair.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
3rd Grade
Helping Great Grandma

What a cool old house with lots of memories.

New Bike for Jim?
I have been looking for a new bike for Jim. Our friend who works as a bicycle engineer (he LOVES his job!), recommended the bike below which was for sale on craigslist. I think it is perfect for Jim:
Bike for sale
What kind of bike? I don't know, I'm not a bike scientist. What I am though is a manly guy looking to sell his bike. This bike is made out of metal and kick ass spokes. The back reflector was taken off, but if you think that deters me from riding at night, you're way wrong. I practiced ninja training in Japan's mount Fuji for 5 years and the first rule they teach about ninja biking is that back reflectors let the enemy know where you are. Not having a rear reflector is like saying "SCREW YOU CAR, JUST TRY AND FIND ME".
The bike says Giant on the side because it's referring to my junk, but rest assured even if you have tiny junk that Giant advertisement is going to remain right where it is.
I bought this bike for 300 dollars from a retired mercenary that fought in both World War 1 and World War 2 and had his right arm bitten off by a shark in the Phillipines while stationed there as a shark handler. When he sold it to me I had to arm wrestle him for the honor to buy it. I broke his arm in 7 places when I did. He was so impressed with me he offered me to be his son but I thought that was sissy shit so I said no way.
The bike has some rusted screws, but that just shows how much of a bad ass you are. Everyone knows rusted screws on a bike means that you probably drove it underwater and that's bad ass in itself. Those screws can be replaced with shiny new ones, but if you're going to go to that trouble why not just punch yourself in the balls since you're probably a dickless lizard who doesn't like to look intimidating.
The bike is for men because the seat is flat or some shit and not shaped like a dildo. If you like flat seated bikes you're going to love this thing because it doesn't try to penetrate your ass or anything.
I've topped out at 75 miles per hour on this uphill but if you're just a regular man you'll probably top it out at 10 miles per hour. This thing is listed as a street bike which is man-code for bike tank.
The bike has 7 speeds in total:
Gear 1 - Sissy Gear
Gear 2 - Less Sissy
Gear Gear 3 - Least Sissy Gear
Gear 4 - Boy Gear
Gear 5 - Pre-teen Boy Gear
Gear 6 - Manly Gear
Gear 7 - Big Muscles Gear
I only like gear 6 and 7 to be honest. Additionally, this tool of all immense men comes with a gigantic lock to keep it secure. The lock is the size of a bull's testicles and tells people you don't screw around with locking up your bike tank. It tells would-be-thieves "Hey asshole, touch this bike and I'll appear from the bushes ready to club you with a two-by-four".
Bike is for $150 OBO (and don't give me no panzy prices)
Bike for sale
What kind of bike? I don't know, I'm not a bike scientist. What I am though is a manly guy looking to sell his bike. This bike is made out of metal and kick ass spokes. The back reflector was taken off, but if you think that deters me from riding at night, you're way wrong. I practiced ninja training in Japan's mount Fuji for 5 years and the first rule they teach about ninja biking is that back reflectors let the enemy know where you are. Not having a rear reflector is like saying "SCREW YOU CAR, JUST TRY AND FIND ME".
The bike says Giant on the side because it's referring to my junk, but rest assured even if you have tiny junk that Giant advertisement is going to remain right where it is.
I bought this bike for 300 dollars from a retired mercenary that fought in both World War 1 and World War 2 and had his right arm bitten off by a shark in the Phillipines while stationed there as a shark handler. When he sold it to me I had to arm wrestle him for the honor to buy it. I broke his arm in 7 places when I did. He was so impressed with me he offered me to be his son but I thought that was sissy shit so I said no way.
The bike has some rusted screws, but that just shows how much of a bad ass you are. Everyone knows rusted screws on a bike means that you probably drove it underwater and that's bad ass in itself. Those screws can be replaced with shiny new ones, but if you're going to go to that trouble why not just punch yourself in the balls since you're probably a dickless lizard who doesn't like to look intimidating.
The bike is for men because the seat is flat or some shit and not shaped like a dildo. If you like flat seated bikes you're going to love this thing because it doesn't try to penetrate your ass or anything.
I've topped out at 75 miles per hour on this uphill but if you're just a regular man you'll probably top it out at 10 miles per hour. This thing is listed as a street bike which is man-code for bike tank.
The bike has 7 speeds in total:
Gear 1 - Sissy Gear
Gear 2 - Less Sissy
Gear Gear 3 - Least Sissy Gear
Gear 4 - Boy Gear
Gear 5 - Pre-teen Boy Gear
Gear 6 - Manly Gear
Gear 7 - Big Muscles Gear
I only like gear 6 and 7 to be honest. Additionally, this tool of all immense men comes with a gigantic lock to keep it secure. The lock is the size of a bull's testicles and tells people you don't screw around with locking up your bike tank. It tells would-be-thieves "Hey asshole, touch this bike and I'll appear from the bushes ready to club you with a two-by-four".
Bike is for $150 OBO (and don't give me no panzy prices)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The difference between Jim and me.....
We were out walking this morning and we stopped to watch some cows. We discovered that at the exact same time, both of us were respectively thinking:
Jim: "Man, that's a lot of meat!"
Me: "Man, that's a lot of fur!"
Jim was thinking about eating the cow and I was thinking about petting the cow!
That's the difference between a hunterman and his vegetarian wife!
We were out walking this morning and we stopped to watch some cows. We discovered that at the exact same time, both of us were respectively thinking:
Jim: "Man, that's a lot of meat!"
Me: "Man, that's a lot of fur!"
Jim was thinking about eating the cow and I was thinking about petting the cow!
That's the difference between a hunterman and his vegetarian wife!
Goalie Girl
Gracie played her first time as an ice hockey goalie this weekend. She got all decked out in the gear and went out on the ice to have girls take shots on her. It was great! And she LOVED it! So now we are scrambling around trying to find goalie gear for her. If we bought it all brand new, it would be over $1k! So we are trying to find used stuff.
Stay tuned because this could be fun to watch develop.
This morning, I started wondering what boy would ever want to date a girl goalie! Man...she is a tough girl!
Stay tuned because this could be fun to watch develop.
This morning, I started wondering what boy would ever want to date a girl goalie! Man...she is a tough girl!
Hockey dog
Bleacher Seats
North Pole?
Friday, August 22, 2008
Shop til you Drop
Every summer right before school, Auntie D and Gracie have a tradition of doing a big school shopping trip. They do this to spend some girlie time together and because I hate to if Auntie D wants her niece to look good, she has to be hands on! This is the report from this years event:
First was lunch at Ivar's Fish and Chips. We sat outside, just like we did when we had sushi last year. :o)
Then we found some adorable Pumas at Nordy's. Also a new Roxy hoodie, a couple of tops and some shorts.
Then we hit Pumpkin Patch and found some long pants, shorts, and another top. She did a really good job of mixing and matching so just about everything can be worn with the other.
She didn't want to look for a winter coat - I think she was pooped!
But we did muster the energy to pick up some ice cream at Cold Stone to eat on the way home.
And we remembered Drew ... apparently he's been driving her crazy about a specific kind of hat he wants so Gracie picked that out at Quicksilver, together with a matching wallet.
What a fun time. We chatted and chatted. She is growing so quickly though that this was probably our last year shopping at Pumpkin Patch and the kid's shoe department at Nordy's!
First was lunch at Ivar's Fish and Chips. We sat outside, just like we did when we had sushi last year. :o)
Then we found some adorable Pumas at Nordy's. Also a new Roxy hoodie, a couple of tops and some shorts.
Then we hit Pumpkin Patch and found some long pants, shorts, and another top. She did a really good job of mixing and matching so just about everything can be worn with the other.
She didn't want to look for a winter coat - I think she was pooped!
But we did muster the energy to pick up some ice cream at Cold Stone to eat on the way home.
And we remembered Drew ... apparently he's been driving her crazy about a specific kind of hat he wants so Gracie picked that out at Quicksilver, together with a matching wallet.
What a fun time. We chatted and chatted. She is growing so quickly though that this was probably our last year shopping at Pumpkin Patch and the kid's shoe department at Nordy's!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A reason to celebrate
My big brother has been looking for a job for a couple months. The search was very emotional for the whole extended family. We are all very close and share in the worries and celebrations of every family member.
His job search took him to different industries and different states. I am thrilled to report that he has accepted a job in California in the environmental industry. California is great because it is still close to us! And the environmental industry is up and coming. It is the industry to break into right now. And I hope to utilize his newly acquired knowledge when it is time for me to make a change.
So....our family is doing frequent celebratory happy dances!
His job search took him to different industries and different states. I am thrilled to report that he has accepted a job in California in the environmental industry. California is great because it is still close to us! And the environmental industry is up and coming. It is the industry to break into right now. And I hope to utilize his newly acquired knowledge when it is time for me to make a change.
So....our family is doing frequent celebratory happy dances!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
3 (more) reasons I love my company
1. Today I went down to the quad area at lunch to get fresh fruit from the farmers market
2. On the way there, I ran into a co-worker who was on the way to a ukelele group (yep - we have groups of people who get together to play ukelele at lunchtime!)
3. After lunch, 45 of us are going to play softball, ping pong, horse shoe and drink beer!
2. On the way there, I ran into a co-worker who was on the way to a ukelele group (yep - we have groups of people who get together to play ukelele at lunchtime!)
3. After lunch, 45 of us are going to play softball, ping pong, horse shoe and drink beer!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
First day of school
The report from Drew on his first day of Junior High was good. He said it was boring because they went over the rules in each class. Of course, as a mom and a compliance officer, I am THRILLED that they spend time outlining all the rules!
I was so proud that he was so organized and responsible. He came home knowing everything that he needed to do to be ready the next day and took care of it all himself. All those years of pushing for accountability is paying off. He really is quite self sufficient.
He still feels like he made the right decision to go to this school which is all I can hope for at this point!
I was so proud that he was so organized and responsible. He came home knowing everything that he needed to do to be ready the next day and took care of it all himself. All those years of pushing for accountability is paying off. He really is quite self sufficient.
He still feels like he made the right decision to go to this school which is all I can hope for at this point!
Chad's next vacation
Monday, August 18, 2008
Bread Class
On Saturday, my Dad and I took a bread making class at a local culinary school. It was great fun. It was from about 10 am to 2 pm and we made three things:
* pizza dough
* franchese bread
* focaccia bread
All were outstanding! I took the class because I have always wanted to make bread but was intimidated by working with yeast. The instructor was a master baker and she was great. We got all kinds of tips that really make all the difference.
I think I will try making focaccia bread tomorrow to go with our home made pea soup!
* pizza dough
* franchese bread
* focaccia bread
All were outstanding! I took the class because I have always wanted to make bread but was intimidated by working with yeast. The instructor was a master baker and she was great. We got all kinds of tips that really make all the difference.
I think I will try making focaccia bread tomorrow to go with our home made pea soup!
Junior High
Today we sent our baby off to Junior High! Our baby is now 5 feet 6 inches tall and 130 pounds.
He got up at 6 am and did not have to be ready until 7:30, when his carpool arrived to pick him up. I was not sure I was actually going to be able to get him out of bed....his alarm went off and he never budged. It was so loud it woke me up in my room! I had to go in and get the dog to jump on him to wake him up.
Will keep you posted on how the day went.
He got up at 6 am and did not have to be ready until 7:30, when his carpool arrived to pick him up. I was not sure I was actually going to be able to get him out of bed....his alarm went off and he never budged. It was so loud it woke me up in my room! I had to go in and get the dog to jump on him to wake him up.
Will keep you posted on how the day went.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
New School
We had Drew's orientation for his new school last nite and it was great. I am truly not sure who is more excited....Drew or me.
These statements say it all....on our way out, Jim says, "I am so excited, I wish I could play sports here!" which I respond, "I am so excited, I wish I could go to class here!" Therein lies the difference between mom and dad! Drew just shook his head.
We spent about 2 hours at orientation. Drew got his classes and got to walk around to each of his classrooms and even got to meet his math teacher. We also purchased additional books, PE clothes and some school t-shirts and a sweatshirt. There is no uniform at this school but the kids have to wear clothes that don't have logos or emblems on them. To make it easy, they have the option of wearing t-shirts with the school name and logo on it. We made three trips to his locker to practice the lock! It was tough at first but after a bunch of practice, he got it down.
I think we may take another trip there today to check it out again. And this time, little sis wants to go....she was very interested in hearing every detail!
These statements say it all....on our way out, Jim says, "I am so excited, I wish I could play sports here!" which I respond, "I am so excited, I wish I could go to class here!" Therein lies the difference between mom and dad! Drew just shook his head.
We spent about 2 hours at orientation. Drew got his classes and got to walk around to each of his classrooms and even got to meet his math teacher. We also purchased additional books, PE clothes and some school t-shirts and a sweatshirt. There is no uniform at this school but the kids have to wear clothes that don't have logos or emblems on them. To make it easy, they have the option of wearing t-shirts with the school name and logo on it. We made three trips to his locker to practice the lock! It was tough at first but after a bunch of practice, he got it down.
I think we may take another trip there today to check it out again. And this time, little sis wants to go....she was very interested in hearing every detail!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Lemon Tea Bread
This is a great recipe....I wish I had a slice of it right now!
Lemon Tea Bread
- ½ cup butter, softened
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 grated lemon rind
- 2 eggs
- 1 ½ cup flour
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- ½ cup milk
- Pinch of salt
- ½ cup chopped walnuts (optional)
- ¼ cup sugar
- Juice of 1 large lemon
Preheat oven to 375
Cream butter, sugar and lemon rind.
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together.
Alternately add the milk and the dry ingredients to the butter/sugar mixture, combining well after each addition.
Pour into a greased and floured loaf pan and bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until the top of the loaf is golden brown and a toothpick inserted into loaf comes out clean.
While loaf is baking, stir together the sugar and lemon juice until combined.
When loaf comes out of the oven, poke all over the top of the loaf with a toothpick or fork to make small holes. Pour the glaze over slowly so it absorbs into the bread.
Let the loaf cool on a rack for ten minutes in the pan, then turn out of the pan and let cool completely.
Lemon Tea Bread
- ½ cup butter, softened
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 grated lemon rind
- 2 eggs
- 1 ½ cup flour
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- ½ cup milk
- Pinch of salt
- ½ cup chopped walnuts (optional)
- ¼ cup sugar
- Juice of 1 large lemon
Preheat oven to 375
Cream butter, sugar and lemon rind.
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together.
Alternately add the milk and the dry ingredients to the butter/sugar mixture, combining well after each addition.
Pour into a greased and floured loaf pan and bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until the top of the loaf is golden brown and a toothpick inserted into loaf comes out clean.
While loaf is baking, stir together the sugar and lemon juice until combined.
When loaf comes out of the oven, poke all over the top of the loaf with a toothpick or fork to make small holes. Pour the glaze over slowly so it absorbs into the bread.
Let the loaf cool on a rack for ten minutes in the pan, then turn out of the pan and let cool completely.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
More absurdity....
If camping like a sardine was not weird enough, on Tuesday nite we went to Banjo nite at a local pizza party! It was not just one banjo player - it was a whole herd of them - about 15 of them! They hand out song books so you can sing along - we sang a John Denver song but changed the words to be more appropriate for us:
Country road, take me home
To the place, I belong
West Virginia, PONTOON MAMA
Take me home, country roads
The banjo band has a big following and has what I can only call, "bango roadies". Picture this: the same people show up week after week, sing a long, wear wigs (not for style, but because they are so old they have no hair), use walkers and hearing aids!
It was a crazy experience.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Absurd Camping
This last weekend we went camping right on the beach in a State Beach campground. It was absurd camping. Absurd because we were sandwiched in between 30 other campers. It is a spot that is great because its literally right on the beach but we are not use camping 15 feet from another person! Plus it was a public place so people were walking down the sidewalk - which was 1 foot from the camper - all day. The benefit of being on the beach makes it worth going there once every 5 years....but I am not sure I could handle more than that.
Plus, we camped in a camper which we are not use to. The kids thought it was great. They each had a comfy bed and a real pillow - instead of sleeping on the ground or on the boat with a rolled up sweatshirt as a pillow!
The morning we were there, there was triathalon. We had a great time watching it. They swam in the ocean for the swimming part and ran down the beach for the running part, so we watched pretty much the whole thing. I especially enjoyed watching while eating my cinnamon roll and thinking about how dumb triathalons are! (Read: I was jealous I was not doing it!)
Plus, we camped in a camper which we are not use to. The kids thought it was great. They each had a comfy bed and a real pillow - instead of sleeping on the ground or on the boat with a rolled up sweatshirt as a pillow!
The morning we were there, there was triathalon. We had a great time watching it. They swam in the ocean for the swimming part and ran down the beach for the running part, so we watched pretty much the whole thing. I especially enjoyed watching while eating my cinnamon roll and thinking about how dumb triathalons are! (Read: I was jealous I was not doing it!)
Friday, August 01, 2008
Hockey Girl
Didn't take long for a hockey coach to call us about Gracie! They are really trying to develop girls hockey and are looking for players. They are drooling at the thought of getting a girl who is athletic, tall and wants to play goalie. They are willing to do anything for her that we want - individual hockey coaches, work with her at Gretzky hours, finding her equipment, etc.
We just need to decide if we want to make the financial and time committment. Stay tuned.
We just need to decide if we want to make the financial and time committment. Stay tuned.
Company picnic
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