Tuesday, April 25, 2017

True Story

I came home from a short doctor's appointment at 2:30 pm  today and went to let the dogs inside and only #1 and #2 came in.  Missing was #3 - Hops - which is totally unusual.  She is ALWAYS at the back door ready to come in.  Sometimes, #1, Daisy doesn't hear us come in and is still out laying in the yard.  But the young one with good hearing is always there.

I ran around the back yard and looked for her: 

I looked on the side yard to see if she got stuck behind the fence
I looked under bushes - did she die?
I checked all the gates - they were closed

Full on panic set in....someone STOLE my puppy!

I ran out front and started calling her thinking maybe she got out and she wouldn't go far.

Then I decide to call Grace, who isn't normally home from school until 3 pm....

As soon as she heard the panic in my voice, she said - "I have Hops"!

OMG - I thought she was gone!!

I ranted about how worried I was and how freaked out I was....and then I hung up.

Then Grace sent me the pic above with the statement: "Hops isn't worried at all"!

Apparently she got out of school early and took Hops with her to get some graph paper.

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