Wednesday, June 10, 2015

SJ Giants Night

Drew, Amanda, Luke, Emily and a bunch of goofball photo bombers!

Me, G and another goofy photo bomber!

Every year my work hosts a nite at the SJ Giants, complete with free churros, dinner and beer.  It is a huge highlight of the year and this year was no different.  There were about 30 of us that went and whooped it up!  And this year my Dad went with us which was a fun addition!  Other special guests were the Williams boys and Michael (who Drew used to play soccer with);  Denny and Big Dan's sister and her husband.

It was so funny that three of us got chosen to go out on the field in between innings to play games.  Kyle and Jeremy played blackjack against each other (Kyle won but we all were worried because he took another card when he had 19!!!  He ended up with an ace!)  And Drew played a golf game and did NOT get the foam golf ball in the swimming pool!

G, Bug, Mad Dog and K


Drew playing the golf game!

J-man and Kyle playing blackjack!

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