Monday, August 04, 2014

Diamonds are Bean's Best Friend

We met Bean and Richard at the cabin this weekend.  When they showed up they started telling us a story about how Richard had found a diamond looking stone in a parking lot.

Bean pulled it out and showed it to us.  We all thought it was a real diamond and went to the internet to look up how to test to see if a diamond is real.  We proceeded to do our very scientific tests including breathing on it, scratching glass with it and trying to read a newspaper while looking thru it.

These pics of what happened when Jim tried scratching the window with it and proceeded to drop it and lose it.  After a lot of frantic searching he found it under a lip in the window frame and had to take apart the window to find it.  It was especially frantic because the diamond had just passed the second test - it scratched the window!

We really think it is a diamond and can't wait for Bean to take it to a jeweler to confirm it!

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