Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Grandpa Roy in Rehab

Last nite, we went to see Grandpa Roy and play some dominoes!  It has been a week since the kids had seen Roy and they were thrilled with the change.

When we got there, he was in his room, sitting in his wheel chair and we chatted for awhile.  Then we decided to head down to the recreation room to play dominoes.  He led the way down the hall and Grace offered to push his wheel chair.  I thought my heart would melt when he said to her “yea I could use a little push”  and when Grace started pushing he said “ah yea – that’s a good pace!”.

It took 4 us to read the directions on how to play Mexican Train and after one game, Roy was tired and went back to his room to lay down.  We all followed and Drew took the time to hang more pictures up around his room.  And Roy enjoyed asking Jim for a blanket….and Jim told him he better enjoy this because it wasn’t going to last for long!

AND the best news of all – he ate three meals yesterday!

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