Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hollywood Stones

Me, Jim, Grace and Tina took a trip to the cabin this weekend for a little R & R.

For the first time since owning the cabin (11 years), we had time and were in town for the local chili cook off.  So we went down and spent a few hours.  Jim and Tina taste tested the chili from the four booths - they liked the one by Habitat for Humanity best!  Grace and I checked out all the craft booths.  Then we all got a drink or a sno-cone and sat down to listen to the music.  That's when the giggling started!

The band was called Hollywood Stones and was a Rolling Stones cover band.  The singing was fair but the attempt to imitate the real Rolling Stones was atrocious!  The picture above is the lead singer "Dick Swagger" playing the role of Mick Jagger.  His pants were too tight, his lipstick too bright and his moves too bad! Check them out - its good for some laughs!

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