Friday, June 29, 2012


Here is how it went down:

I am at work and I get a text from Drew:

Zach (one of the kids friends) just came in and Ahi got herself so worked up barking and running that she fell down the stairs.  All the way down from the top and slammed into the wall at the bottom. She is so dumb.

I totally cracked up. I could see it happening.

Next text:

She smells like poop.  I think she was so scared from the fall down the stairs that she pooped herself.

I laugh harder.

Next text:

Grace just gave her a bath and she smells better.  She is so dumb.  You can't take her serious.

More laughing.

Next text:

There is poop on the wall and the carpet where she started her fall down the stairs.  GROSS!

This time, I am just shaking my head!  God should have just made Labradors and stopped because they are perfect.  Chiweenies are soooooo ridiculous!

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