Saturday, April 28, 2012

Used Pet

We have another used pet.  And does this one look familiar?  It's the bunny that we rescued from the streets about a year ago.  When we rescued her last time, it took us a week to find her owners.  Turned out that she lived down the street.  So she went home to her owners.

This week her family moved to Canada so they were looking for a new home for her.  Since we were so good to her when we rescued her, they asked if we wanted to take her.  I said we would take her if there was no one else who they could find....

So she showed up yesterday afternoon.  Her name is Paul Anka....don't know the whole story....but we call her "Bunny Bunny".

She is a sweet bunny with a bad hairdo and a mustache!  She is also old - about 7.  And my research says that the lifespan is 8 to 12 years.

Daisy is so good - you tell her to "leave it" and she does.  Murray noses her with his giant nose and Ahi wants to chase her!  The bunny is running around the backyard and Murray and Ahi keep running back and forth from door to door to watch her.  The excitement is almost unbearable!

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