Gracie received an award this week from school called "Every Child Succeeds". It is an award for kids who excel against hardships and of course Gracie's hardship is her dyslexia. One student from each school in the district gets nominated by the teachers and principal at that school. Gracie was the one child chosen from her whole school.
They did a nice ceremony where they talked about each child and what they had to overcome and then gave them a medal, a certificate and a rose. I am trying to get the write up that they did for Grace and if I do, I will post it. But the "jist" of what they said was that she has to try harder than anyone, never complains, never uses it as an excuse, is incredibly committed, is mature and kind! Jim and I were teary eyed while they were reading about her. Her giant big brother was bawling like a baby!
After the ceremony, we went out to dinner with the Grandmas and Grandpas and celebrated Gracie's success and her years of hard work!
Sometimes it takes someone else noticing a job well done to make you take the time to celebrate. A special thank you to Ms Reiss, Grace's teacher for noticing and nominating Grace! And a special shout out to Grace's ed therapists for their hard work and commitment.
You will see a locket in the pics. We got that for Grace and gave it to her before the ceremony. It says "Dream" on the back of it and you can put charms inside the locket. She can change the charms as she desires. The charms she has are:
A "G" - for obvious reasons
An Eiffel Tower - to symbolize her love of travel and adventure
A heart shaped birthstone - to symbolize the love between a mother and a daughter
A dog paw - for her love of her doggies and her kindness to all animals
A ying and yang sign - to symbolize her unbelievable awareness of her self and what she needs
A soccer ball - because she rocks on the soccer field!
We could not be prouder of Grace or more thankful to the people in our lives who support all know who you are!
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