Grace's principal called last nite to let me know that Grace is receiving a district award in March. The award is for kids who have overcome barriers to excel at learning!
He said that when he approached all the 6th grade teachers, Gracie's teacher knew just who she wanted to nominate!
What a wonderful recognition for the hard work that she has put in for all her elementary school years!
I could NOT be prouder and want to make a BIG STINKIN' deal about it. But she is being more humble and doesn't want to do anything special. Another reason I love her.....she is so unpretentious.
This is a blog by a "real" mom for other "real" moms. I am no fakey who is wonderful at everything....I do a lot of different things and try to do them well...but when it comes right down to it, I am just an average mom trying to do the right thing to ensure my family is happy and healthy and that my kids grow up able to take care of themselves and get out of my hair.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wild Cheers
You guess:
The cheering from the kids this morning was because:
a. I bought candy at the store
b. I did their laundry for them
c. We are having tuna noodle casserole for dinner
d. Bones is on TV tonite
You would think that they would be happy about a, b or d. But they were cheering for c.....we are having tuna noodle casserole for dinner!
Strange children!
The cheering from the kids this morning was because:
a. I bought candy at the store
b. I did their laundry for them
c. We are having tuna noodle casserole for dinner
d. Bones is on TV tonite
You would think that they would be happy about a, b or d. But they were cheering for c.....we are having tuna noodle casserole for dinner!
Strange children!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Stanford vs Cal
Yesterday, Grace and I attended the Stanford women's basketball game vs Cal Berkeley. We went with Gracie's teacher and a bunch of the girls in her class. Her teacher is a huge basketball fan and wanted to share her love of the sport with the girls in her class. There were 20 of us who went and it was a great time! Stanford won by 2 points in over time. And it was a big deal because if Cal would have won it would have broken a 64 game winning streak at home by Stanford.
Drew, Jim and Jeremy went skiing yesterday. They have been so anxious to go but we have had a serious snow shortage. So finally we got a little bit of snow and they went screaming up to the mountains!
The snowboarder is Jeremy and the skier is Drew. Jim was the photographer. They were at Bear Valley and the weather was amazing.
State Cup Spaghetti Feed
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Remember how I saw a coyote running down the street a couple weeks ago?
I just read an article that it is coyote mating season and that is why they are out wandering around! Not sure what kind of mate he is looking in the neighborhood!?!
I just read an article that it is coyote mating season and that is why they are out wandering around! Not sure what kind of mate he is looking in the neighborhood!?!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Cement Shoes....again.
I have posted before about how occasionally I feel like I am wearing cement shoes when I go for a run. I felt that way this morning. I ran only a mile and a half and thought I was going to die. Then I did 45 minutes on the bike and had to really push myself to get through it.
When I feel that way, it always makes me starting thinking:
"Oh my God....I suddenly hit old age!"
"Oh my God... I must be getting sick!"
"Oh my God...I am in terrible shape and will never be able to run again!"
But then....I realized the reason I had no energy is I never ate dinner last nite and was trying to fuel my work out on a piece of pecan pie I at at 3:30 pm the day before! DUMB DUMB DUMB!
When I feel that way, it always makes me starting thinking:
"Oh my God....I suddenly hit old age!"
"Oh my God... I must be getting sick!"
"Oh my God...I am in terrible shape and will never be able to run again!"
But then....I realized the reason I had no energy is I never ate dinner last nite and was trying to fuel my work out on a piece of pecan pie I at at 3:30 pm the day before! DUMB DUMB DUMB!
I See the Light!
We were sitting on the couch tonite in our living room that is lit up like a football field at nite and started talking about how over the top Jim was when he put all the lighting in the house.
And then Drew started counting all the lights he could see while sitting on the couch.....23! He could see 23 lights just from where he was sitting!
So then Jim walked around downstairs and counted 50 lights! We were cracking up! We decided we had enough lighting for all the houses on our street.
And then Drew started counting all the lights he could see while sitting on the couch.....23! He could see 23 lights just from where he was sitting!
So then Jim walked around downstairs and counted 50 lights! We were cracking up! We decided we had enough lighting for all the houses on our street.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Jim and I squeezed in a date this weekend - we went to see the movie "Contraband".
It is a story about a guy who used to smuggle contraband (drugs, money, etc) but stopped when he had a family. But then his brother in law got into the smuggling business and got into all kinds of trouble so he had to do one more run to get his brother in law's debts paid off.
It was a good action flick. Worth a rental when it comes out.
It is a story about a guy who used to smuggle contraband (drugs, money, etc) but stopped when he had a family. But then his brother in law got into the smuggling business and got into all kinds of trouble so he had to do one more run to get his brother in law's debts paid off.
It was a good action flick. Worth a rental when it comes out.
Gigi all Dressed Up
They got a great used dog. And I can not wait to meet her!
I forgot to post this....
On MLK day, I was out in the morning with the dogs and it was later than normal (about 8:30 am) and we saw a coyote running down the middle of the street!
On MLK day, I was out in the morning with the dogs and it was later than normal (about 8:30 am) and we saw a coyote running down the middle of the street!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Winter Ball 2012
At the end of the nite, he was waiting at the hotel for Jim to pick him up when a girl from another dance that was held at the same hotel approached him. She told him she was a senior from the other school and asked him if he "judged people". Then she proceeded to tell him that she had just "dropped ecstasy". Drew said it was totally obvious as she was all jumpy. It was an interesting experience for him and eye opening to see someone on drugs like that.
This morning when we were all tired because we stayed up too late waiting for him to get home, we all talked about how crappy that girl must have felt today!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Wash those dishes!
Friday, January 20, 2012
TNDC Word of the Week: Masticate
verb (used with object), verb (used without object), -cat·ed, -cat·ing.1. to chew.
2. to reduce to a pulp by crushing or kneading, as rubber.
You can imagine the sentences used and giggling that was had!
You can imagine the sentences used and giggling that was had!
Nationally Ranked
Gracie's soccer team is is highly competitive and ranked nationally. Here are the latest results:
National Rank - 14
Region Rank - 11
California Rank - 6
Pretty impressive!
National Rank - 14
Region Rank - 11
California Rank - 6
Pretty impressive!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Shout out
A special shout out to the "Tias" in Cabo -- they are my newest readers. Whenever they want to do a guest blog from Cabo, they are welcome to send me an email highlighting their adventures. Or....I will always take pics of beautiful and unusual succulents!
Two nites ago, I ate way to many brussel sprouts for dinner after eating 2 cups of cauliflower for lunch! I had a huge belly bloat! I made Jim go with me for a walk to feel better.
You think I would have learned....I just scarfed 2 cups of brussel sprouts for lunch! What a dummy! Now I have to work the rest of the day with a brussel belly bomb.
You think I would have learned....I just scarfed 2 cups of brussel sprouts for lunch! What a dummy! Now I have to work the rest of the day with a brussel belly bomb.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I got a hair cut yesterday at lunch time and every one of my family members noticed it last nite and said to me..."did you get a hair really looks nice."
You often hear about families where the members wouldn't even notice if the mom was missing a limb because they are so focused on themselves.
Not at my house! Nothing gets by these people!
Those people I live with really are nice people!
You often hear about families where the members wouldn't even notice if the mom was missing a limb because they are so focused on themselves.
Not at my house! Nothing gets by these people!
Those people I live with really are nice people!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
They fight over the craziest things!
You have read the blogs about how my family will eat anything....bear burgers, sushi, duck, etc. And they cheer over vegetables that many people hate - including high fives when we have roasted cauliflower.
Two nites ago I had a similar experience. I made green beans a new way. I steamed the green beans and then quick stir fried them in pam spray and chunks of garlic. After dinner, there were some green beans left and Jim and Drew were literally fighting over them! They were both sitting on the couch and Jim had a bowl full of green beans. Drew wanted some and said he should get some because it was "his" bowl Jim was using. They negotiated back and forth until Drew got two green beans!
I always giggle over kids who won't eat vegetables! At my house, we fight over them!
Two nites ago I had a similar experience. I made green beans a new way. I steamed the green beans and then quick stir fried them in pam spray and chunks of garlic. After dinner, there were some green beans left and Jim and Drew were literally fighting over them! They were both sitting on the couch and Jim had a bowl full of green beans. Drew wanted some and said he should get some because it was "his" bowl Jim was using. They negotiated back and forth until Drew got two green beans!
I always giggle over kids who won't eat vegetables! At my house, we fight over them!
Monday, January 16, 2012

I want them and everyone one else says "NO WAY"! I even took them all in the garage to look at the mini and point out how cool they would look.
No go. I well....I guess it saves me $150!
Animal Style
I get the "World's Best Mom" award for making burgers for dinner that were "In n Out animal style"! I found the recipe last nite in Rachel Ray's magazine and as soon as I told Drew about them, they were on the menu for dinner.
My dinner was not as exciting - it was a black bean burger with a slice of cheese on bun because I am working on losing the 3 pounds that I gained over the holidays!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Lucky Duck Jim got to go to the 49er vs Saints playoff game!
Last nite he dyed his goatee red....but it came out he had to shave it off. Didn't think it would go over very well going on his "man date" with Mr. C with a pink goatee!
Last nite he dyed his goatee red....but it came out he had to shave it off. Didn't think it would go over very well going on his "man date" with Mr. C with a pink goatee!
I have had some recent trouble with my ipod shuffle that I use for running. I will be mid-stride and it turns itself off! And that totally makes me crazy.....I immediately stop and start muttering to myself and pushing buttons! I can not run without music.
At first I was going to just go out and buy a new one - but I hate being part of such a disposable population - meaning, "if it doesn't work, throw it away and buy a new one". So I decided to trouble shoot it.
I updated the software on it and that did not work. So I reset the device to the factory settings and that did not work. So I took it to the Apple Store to see if there was anything they could do. Turns out it basically has a short in the battery and they could fix it for $50 or I could buy a new one for $50.
So I am the brand new owner of a new shuffle.
Now I need to load it up with some new songs.
A trip to the depot
Took a little field trip to the Restaurant Depot with Tina and Marty today. My Dad has been wanting to go to check it out and I was interested too. It was very fun!
I got this very large frying pan - the spoon is there for scale - and tea, spices, Mexican soda, gatorade, A-1 sauce, spices and two giant bins.
Imagine my disgust when I turned a corner and saw this giant display of ham! Ewwwwww!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Remember last week when there was five unknown ladies in the workout room with me and I giggled because it was a typical New Years resolution day? Well, today was spin day and I was back to being alone in the work out room! Those ladies didn't even last two weeks!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Mud Run
All four of us and a bunch of friends are going to do this race in April:
I am sure there will be good stories coming from it, so stay tuned.
I am sure there will be good stories coming from it, so stay tuned.
Monday, January 09, 2012
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Friday, January 06, 2012
Not again....
I really need to slow my life down. When you are running around like a maniac, you do stupid forget to bring your pants to the gym in the morning!
The funny thing is....when I was working out this morning, I was doing some introspective thinking about my like. I was listing out all the things I am involved in on a regular basis:
Team mom for Gracie's soccer team
Fulltime (plus some) employee
Mom of two very active kids
Mentor at work
Chair of the "families with kids with special needs" group at work
Mom of two needy dogs
Grant writer
Board member of a charitable organization
Athlete (ok - I use this term only because I don't know who else to say I work out 5 to 8 times a week - athlete makes it sound more significant then it really is!)
Host of TNDC
Vacation Planner
Logistical Guru
Financial Planner
So I am working out and thinking of all this stuff and thinking about what I would remove from the list. And I am not willing to give up any of it. That's when I say to myself, "well, you can't ever say, you don't have a full and rich life.....and you can manage all that stuff....just keep plowing forward."
That was before I realized that because of all these commitments, I sometimes miss the little details such as making sure you have a pair of pants for work!
Anyway...I do some quick problem solving and decide to just wear my yoga clothes - that I keep in my office - for the day. But first, I have to put on my sopping, sweaty, wet workout pants on to get to my office! ICK! Then I use the socks that I keep in my office for daytime walks and go to the company store to buy a tank top to wear under the sweatshirt I have!
I look quite sporty today at work. Luckily it's Friday and people are super casual on Fridays --- NOT yoga casual --- but at least its not suits and tie day!
The worst part about this whole thing is I can't go to yoga at lunch. I mean really....I would be doing yoga in the clothes I am wearing and then come right back to work in the same clothes! That's too weird!
The funny thing is....when I was working out this morning, I was doing some introspective thinking about my like. I was listing out all the things I am involved in on a regular basis:
Team mom for Gracie's soccer team
Fulltime (plus some) employee
Mom of two very active kids
Mentor at work
Chair of the "families with kids with special needs" group at work
Mom of two needy dogs
Grant writer
Board member of a charitable organization
Athlete (ok - I use this term only because I don't know who else to say I work out 5 to 8 times a week - athlete makes it sound more significant then it really is!)
Host of TNDC
Vacation Planner
Logistical Guru
Financial Planner
So I am working out and thinking of all this stuff and thinking about what I would remove from the list. And I am not willing to give up any of it. That's when I say to myself, "well, you can't ever say, you don't have a full and rich life.....and you can manage all that stuff....just keep plowing forward."
That was before I realized that because of all these commitments, I sometimes miss the little details such as making sure you have a pair of pants for work!
Anyway...I do some quick problem solving and decide to just wear my yoga clothes - that I keep in my office - for the day. But first, I have to put on my sopping, sweaty, wet workout pants on to get to my office! ICK! Then I use the socks that I keep in my office for daytime walks and go to the company store to buy a tank top to wear under the sweatshirt I have!
I look quite sporty today at work. Luckily it's Friday and people are super casual on Fridays --- NOT yoga casual --- but at least its not suits and tie day!
The worst part about this whole thing is I can't go to yoga at lunch. I mean really....I would be doing yoga in the clothes I am wearing and then come right back to work in the same clothes! That's too weird!
Thursday, January 05, 2012
In the car...
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
New Years Resolution
So, I am in the gym this morning doing my normal was 60 minutes of spin followed by weights. I normally do spin in the exercise studio which is not being used by a class that early in the morning.
Normally, I am there BY MYSELF. Today....there were 5 women in there with me, who I had never seen before, doing various exercise routines.
That is when it dawned on me that it's the beginning of the new year and everyone has their exercise resolutions!
Not to worry - they won't be there next week!
Normally, I am there BY MYSELF. Today....there were 5 women in there with me, who I had never seen before, doing various exercise routines.
That is when it dawned on me that it's the beginning of the new year and everyone has their exercise resolutions!
Not to worry - they won't be there next week!
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Working from Home
A new niece
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Early Intake
Berkeley Camp Ben Memorial
Down by the River
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