Monday, May 09, 2011


When we were hunting down firewood this weekend, we found a 3 1/2 foot snake crossing the dirt road. Of can guess what we did...

Jim stopped the truck, got out and found a stick to poke it with. Gracie and I hung out the window and watched. Marty sat in the backseat, uninterested at first.

At first, it would not move. Then it slithered away....right under my truck. Jim bent down to see where it was going, just in time to see it slither INTO my wheel!

That is when Marty got interested!

He and Jim looked all over trying to find where the snake went but could not locate it. We even opened the hood to see if he crawled up into the engine compartment!

No luck!

So....we just kept going.

I figure there are three posiibilites:

1. He got out when we were not looking
2. He is seriously dead from our trip home
3. He is going to crawl into my truck while driving down the road

Option 1 is the only one that makes me happy!

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