Here is the background. Mr C is a friend of ours who is totally easy going and up for any type of ridiculous adventure we have up our sleeve. He also has a super witty sense of humor and comes up with one liners out of no where that totally crack us up. (He is the author of, "don't be such a "Nancy" Drew"! Mr C also is one of our few friends who has a mustache. Over the holidays, a bunch of us were together, without Mr C, when we saw a guy with a huge handle bar mustache. That got us thinking....
The next time we saw Mr C, we were ready with these questions:
1. Do you know Tom Selleck?
2. Do you wash and condition your mustache?
3. If your wife and your mustache were both in dire danger, which would you save?
4. Do you worry about your daughter growing a mustache?
5. Did you pose for this artwork?
5. If the US outlawed mustache's, would you move to Canada?
6. Do you have any other mustaches?
7. Is your mustache insured thru Lloyds of London?
8. Do you require special tools to groom your mustache?
9. Are young children sometimes afraid of your mustache?
10. If you divorced your wife, who would get custody of the mustache?
11. Did your parents have mustaches?
and my favorite:
12. Are these, or are these not, your parents:
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