Yesterday we went into Yosemite to do a little snowshoeing. We went on a trail that was 3 miles round trip but we only did a little over two. The powder was about 2 feet deep. So you had to take a step, sink two feet, lift up your foot two feet and take another step....just to sink two feet again. It was rough going. And I was worried about the dogs. Daisy is getting old and its hard on her. And Murray kept getting snow packed in his feet. So we made the good decision to stop and turn around - but not before having a snack and a beer.

Ahi has the best spot for snow shoeing - look at the back pack on Jim's back! It's too cold for her and she high centers in the deep snow, so she rides on Jim's back. She just sits there and looks around the whole time. She is a good little dog.

Murray was all ready to go before we even got out of the car. He loved it!

The views out on a trail after a fresh snow are unbelievable. And it is so quiet and peaceful....except for the antics of crazy Mur-dog.
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