One nite on Amelia Island we went out for a ride in the golf cart and met up with a family from Alabama who were fishing in the brackish ponds on the plantations. (Brackish is water that is fresh and salt mixed togehter) They were pulling in giant (in our eyes) blue gill! That is all we Jim went to Walmart to get some fishing poles! He got these awesome short poles (about 3 feet long) that will be great to use on the kayaks.
We set out to catch some fish with "slim jim" pepperoni sticks. We were not as good as the family from Alabama....all we caught were two turtles! The turtles put up quite a fight and were hard to get off the hooks. Check out the nails on the one with the yellow belly.
The great blue heron that spent the whole time watching us is named "Bob"! He is a semi tamed bird that the Amelia Island naturalists rescued from fishing line. He hangs around and begs for fish from the fisherman. Too bad for him, all we had were "slim jims".
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