Let's take a little quiz.
What do you get for $450 dollars these days?:
A. A ticket to Paris
B. A new flat screen tv
C. 4 great tickets to a Sharks game
D. A chiweenie enema
E. All of the above
The answer, of course, is all of the above. Except in reality the only thing it got me was (D) a chiweenie enema!
Poor Ahi has not been feeling good since yesterday afternoon when Auntie Debbie came over to let her out to go potty. She would cry when you picked her up. Actually it was more like a screech. So we have been keeping and eye on her to see if it got worse or better. We thought that maybe she over did it at the cabin this weekend.
But as I worked at home today, I kept a close eye on her. And she literally did not get off the couch all day. It was clear that she was in pain and it was getting worse - not better. The final straw came when Daisy came over to Ahi and very gently gave her a once over. She seemed to look at her and very gently smell and nudge her. Then she looked at me like...."mom, she's sick, you have to do something". So I called the vet and immediately brought her in.
They did an xray and could see her little chiweenie colon was impacted with poop! The cause seems to be little pieces of wild animal bones that she got into this weekend at the cabin. When she would find a bone, I would chase after her to take it away, but she would run and chew at the same time. Apparently she was able to swallow some of the pieces. The little pieces of bones are like shards of glass and hurt their little bellies, which causes them to tense up which causes poop to back up. And then....wa la....you get to spend $450 for a chiweenie enema!
Actually the $450 got us some flea and tick meds and heartworm meds. So, it was quite a deal in the end....no pun intended.
This is a pic of the Chiweenie, post enema.
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