Sunday, June 01, 2008

Point Lobos

Yesterday we went to Point Lobo's with Brian and the kids. Point Lobos is a place we used to go to as kids, so it was fun to reminisce together. We had never been there as a family, so when Brian said he was taking his kids (Diana was out of town), we decided to tag along.
We did some tide pooling, hiking and playing on the beach. The kids had the best time! They are so fun to watch - they have a ball with each other. It is so great that they are such good friends even with the age difference between all of them. Gracie, Sam and Jack ended up sopping wet because they were harvesting seaweed out of the ocean with all their clothes on. Amelia, hated sand! She would act like a monkey trying to hold onto Brian when he tried to put her down! But she loved laughing at the antics of the other kids. Drew was the ring leader in getting them to run back and forth away from the first they all beat the waves, but by the end they were all standing ankle deep in the water!
All in all - a great day!!!

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