This is a blog by a "real" mom for other "real" moms. I am no fakey who is wonderful at everything....I do a lot of different things and try to do them well...but when it comes right down to it, I am just an average mom trying to do the right thing to ensure my family is happy and healthy and that my kids grow up able to take care of themselves and get out of my hair.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Weigh In
The hounds are in the house!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Artsy Fartsy
Monday, June 23, 2008
Roasted Cauliflower
1 head cauliflower
1 medium onion sliced
2 Tbsp soy sauce
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Mix everything in a bowl. Spread on cookie sheet. Cook 35 minutes at 450, stirring occasionally. Garnish with chives.
farm life
Ah.....the life!
We see wildlife up there all the time: turkeys, bobcat, bunnies, deer, snakes, tarantula, etc.
But Saturday morning was a first....we saw ten wild pigs! Four adults and six babies! We have seen evidence of them before but had never spotted one. It was really cool. So cool that Jim went up at dusk last nite to see if he could find them again....apparently that freaked out the dog! She didn't know why they were walking in the dark and peering into the hills!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Matriculation Ceremony
And today, he exceeded those expectations. At graduation, he got two awards. Now....I am not one of these parents who brags about how smart, great, one of a kind their kid is. I believe he is a great kid, but so are all the other kids out there, because we all have our strengths. But today, he made me so proud.
First of all, he got an academic award. That is great for him...not because he is brilliant....but because he is not -- and he really applied himself to get an academic award. The fact that he tried hard is what makes me proud.
Secondly, and most important to me, he received a social skills award. It was an award for being positive. His teacher told us that no matter who he worked with or what project they worked on he was always positive and never complained. He just stayed focused and worked hard. This award is much more important to me, because this is the type of skill that is going to help him in real life.
None of us knew about these awards so we were all pleasantly surprised.
These awards did not prove that he was smart, great or one of a kind....they only proved that he is becoming a man who will make a good friend, a dedicated employee, a faithful husband and a committed father. And I could not be prouder.
Congratulations Drew!
Monday, June 16, 2008
6th Graders vs Teachers
Cherry Weekend Away
Broken Wag
"Cold water tail," "limber tail syndrome," "broken tail," "dead tail," "broken wag" are all euphemisms for a relatively common occurrence in sporting dogs. This episode appears to be a painful, but relatively benign affliction that can occur after swimming, after a heavy hunting day or after a bath with cold water or water that is too warm. It is not always associated with a swim or water, but can occur after a heavy day of work that may involve a lot of tail action. The majority of cases reported have been in sporting dogs or hounds such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Setters, Pointers, Flatcoats, Foxhounds and Beagles. However, one source has cited a case in a Belgian Shepherd. Almost all dogs that suffer through an occurrence return to normal within a few days. Affected dogs may or may not have a repeat incidence during their lifetime. It has been described by the layman as a "sprain," fibrosis or a "cold in the tail." However, the affected dog is miserable at the onset and the tail is painful. The dog cannot raise its tail. It will be held horizontally for a few inches and then droops vertically.
She is laying on her pillow recovering.... Poor baby!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Carpool update
I hope going home tonite goes as well.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
This could be blog material.....
I told my boss about this plan and he laughed hysterically. He said my carpool ride will probably be some fat guy, who smokes and lets his 4 cats sleep in the car! Ha! I never thought about the comedic value of a car pool....this could be good.
Stay tuned.
Bizarre Dream
We lived in it for a year before I realized it was a dump! Apparently I was too busy working so I did not notice. In fact after a year, I had not even taken a shower there because in my dream, I was shocked to find out the bathroom with the shower was right in the kitchen and was smaller than an airplane bathroom. And it doubled as the coat closet!
So once I noticed what a dump it was I was shocked....and mad! It was a long, falling down shack. And it was stuffed full of random furniture. And it had a pond in the middle of it where the floor was missing. I was really angry until......I found out it was on a bunch of land which would allow me to have a bunch of chickens! So Jim set about to start a remodel on the trailer so I could have my chickens.
And they all lived happily ever after. The End!
Dyslexia Update
Sometimes schools can push back on these because it takes time to implement. However, we got no push back at all! They happily included all our requests and even asked for additional information on some of our resources such as the Reading for the Blind and Dyslexic.
I also provided a book (Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz to Gracie's teacher for 3rd grade) and a summary of Gracie's history.
So we are all set for next year. I have layed the ground work for a good year.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
My super smart friend, Lani, made the suggestion that we get milk cartons from Starbucks! Duh - why did we not think of that??? So, this morning, Jim went over to Starbucks and got 26 milk cartons! That is how many they had used by 10 am.
The excitement around the igloo building event is building and we may need to consider having an igloo building party!

Drew's soccer team sold specialty apples for a fund raiser. This is a pic of the bride and groom apple that the company offers. They did not sell this type but sold:
- Triple Treat ~ Caramel drizzled with white, milk, and dark chocolate
Oreo Avalanche ~ Caramel, clumps of Oreos and white and dark chocolate escaping from the avalanche.
Rocky Road ~ Caramel, pecans, & globs of marshmallows, swimming in milk and white chocolate.
Apple Pie a La Mode ~ Caramel with white chocolate & cinnamon
Toffee Apple ~ Caramel rolled in clumps of award winning toffee, with rivers of chocolate.
Pecan Turtle Apple ~ Caramel, pecans, & gobs of chocolate
Almond Obsession ~ Roasted diced almonds and caramel dripping with chocolate
The team sold 222 of them. This made them $888 for their team! Thanks to those who purchased them. I am sure we will do it again, so let me know if you are interested next time! The apples come in on June 27 and I am counting down the days!Monday, June 09, 2008
Big Dummy Part 2
Well.....he did it again. But this time it was 3 cinnamon crunch bagels, slathered with spinach and garlic cream cheese! The difference this time is he never made it out of the house with the belly ache and missed the game. Big dummy!
Friday, June 06, 2008
Got Relaxation?
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Credit Card Fraud I went to cancel the card. And now I am patiently waiting for a new one to come in the mail. In the meantime, I feel can I survive for a day and a half with no credit card. Truly....I keep having little panic attacks!
New do
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
happy day
New toys
Monday, June 02, 2008
Cherry update
While picking cherries yesterday the dog ate cherries non stop. Then about later, our neighbor comes up to our front door to tell us that the dog is laying in the front yard - not moving - and that something looks to be wrong with her. I went out to check and with my vast veterinary skills determined she had a belly ache from her binge! But she was ok and got up and moved around.
Then, last nite at dinner time, the trouble REALLY began....the results of the belly ache started shooting out the back end of the dog.....MAJOR flatulence! At one point we all had out shirts up over our noses during dinner! AND we had guests over for dinner! HA! Welcome to our home....and our gas bag dog!
It was baaaaad! But led to a lot of laughs!