This weekend was the weekend we all played axe men. This was our first attempt at going out into the woods and hunting down our own firewood. We bought a $20 which allows us to cut down 2 1/2 cords of wood. Once we got our permit we went out to find downed trees - you can't just go out in the forest and cut down a healthy tree. We were thrilled when we found our first tree and yelled "Eureka", followed by "Hallelujia"! We were not sure what lumberjacks would say so we covered all our bases!

All in all we had a successful hunt! We found 3 downed oaks and cut them up! There was one injury, above, when a chunk of wood flew up and took a chunk out of Jim's finger. The highlight of the day was lunch! We had a picnic overlooking a canyon.

Our tongue twister of the day was:
How much wood could Chad Chubbuck chuck if Chad could chuck wood?
Chad was the beagle we were taking care of and Mr. Chubbuck is wearing yellow in the pics. We often accidently call Mr Chubbuck by the beagles name - which is what led to this rhyme!
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