This is a blog by a "real" mom for other "real" moms. I am no fakey who is wonderful at everything....I do a lot of different things and try to do them well...but when it comes right down to it, I am just an average mom trying to do the right thing to ensure my family is happy and healthy and that my kids grow up able to take care of themselves and get out of my hair.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Movie Reviews
Baby Mama was pretty first I did not buy into the blonde being the surrogate because she seemed to old for the role. I expected a younger trashy blonde to play the role. But she was so good I got over it fast.
Forgetting Sarah was really funny too. But I did have a problem with the multiple occurrences of full frontal male nudity. was not necessary! Just be ready to close your eyes! And don't take kids!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Prince Charming
Jack says: "I don't know who I should marry..."
I say: "What are you choices?"
Jack says: "Sophia or Amara."
Uncle B says: "What do you like about both of them?"
Jack says: "Sophia is so very beautiful.....and Amara likes pokeman.....I just don't know which one to marry!"
The Painter Who Loved Chickens - Olivier Dunrea
Monday, April 28, 2008
Feeling the Love
Friday, April 25, 2008
Kids to work day
Gracie was my special guest and she LOVED it! Drew missed out by choice!
A little help for the underdog please....

Monday, April 21, 2008
A heart story....
Last week we were going to the art supply store to get supplies for Drew to do a project on the Nile River. On the way there, Gracie asked if she could get some stuff. I thought about it for a second and said "no" we have plenty of art supplies at home. She protested and said she really wanted to make a model of a heart using a styrofoam ball cut in half! I changed my mind in a split second and said "ok". But we discussed it a little more and talked about how she would need to do research to make sure it was correct and she responded that "yes" that is what she had planned to do.
Here is a pic of the final project and the paper she wrote to go with it.
The heart is an organ in your body. It pumps blood in your body so you can live. Your heart has a beat. Before it beats, your heart fills with blood. Your heart does this all the time unless you are dead.
Your heart is made of four different blood filled areas, each of these areas are called chambers. There are two chambers on each side of the heart.
Here are some facts to keep or make your heart better:
* Don’t smoke
* Don’t drink a lot of alcohol
* Exercise
* Eat healthy foods
To get the full effect of this story, you need to have this very important piece of data: Gracie was just diagnosed with dyslexia. What this tells me is that underneath that difficulty with reading and spelling is a little girl who is bright and creative beyond what we can understand. She sees the world a whole different way then the rest of us. And as I learn more about dyslexia, I wish I could get a view into how she sees it, because it is fascinating!
Stay tuned to my blog as I will be educating you all on dyslexia so that we can raise the awareness of this learning difference.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Water balloon fights!
Funny Faces!
Cookie Time
Monday, April 14, 2008
How much wood does a wood chuck chuck?

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hot Mamas Book Club
Since that did not work out, I decided to start my own book club....actually it was Auntie Debbie's idea but she is making me do all the work!
So we have our first meeting on May 16th and we already have a club name and tag line:
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss
- That book clubs are for snacking
- That life is too short to read dumb books
- That "deep" is good for a lake but not for a book
- That People Magazine is classic literature
Monday, April 07, 2008
never show a chicken....
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Hockey Pics
Our Lake
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Chicken Drama
A brain the size of a pea and she is a chicken Houdini!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
School Decision
Well....that time is now! And I can't believe it because literally we have been working on this since last September. Our strategy all along was to be prepared for both public and private and then make the decision which was best for Drew.
So we went thru the application process for private school, which included tours, testing, writing essays, filling out applications and an interview. And we did research about the local public schools.
And the last 6 months of work come to a head this week with our decision.....Drew had decided to go to private school! We are really proud of him because it was a hugely mature decision to make. It would have been way easier to stick with his friends and go to the local school. But he saw the unique opportunities at the private school and decided that outweighed hanging out with his buddies.....which at 12 is a very mature thought process!
It is a huge committment for our whole family. But we are all excited about the new adventure.
He was a young guy and was totally shell shocked. I took a quick assessment of the situation, determined no one was injured and went about all the tasks necessary for me to move on.
All he wanted to do was call the police. I knew that was going to take hours in the middle of rush hour traffic. So I gave him all the information I was required to give him and told him I was leaving. I told him he was welcome to call the police but I was not required to stay and that I would suggest that if was going to call the police, he should make sure he had up to date insurance paperwork as what he gave me was expired!
I hit his front right vendor and tore it up. All that happened to my rig was my license plate got knocked off.
So I just got my truck looked at last nite by the body shop and they buffed out the paint on my bumper, put my license plate back on and we called it good! Everyone gives me such a hard time about driving such a beast but it literally is a tank and I feel so safe in it!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Play Structure
World's Greatest Mom
I came home from work last nite and my mom had made us dinner! It was her mother's recipe of curry chicken and it was delicious! Plus it allowed me time to go out for a walk when I got home from work! What a treat.
Tonite she is making us Super Nachos - which is a big family favorite!
I really got lucky when I got her as a mom!!! (I sure hope my kids think that of me some day....) She thinks it's insurance that I will take care of her when she is old.....I hate to tell her, but I am committed to that without the chicken curry and super nachos....but of course, it helps!