This is a blog by a "real" mom for other "real" moms. I am no fakey who is wonderful at everything....I do a lot of different things and try to do them well...but when it comes right down to it, I am just an average mom trying to do the right thing to ensure my family is happy and healthy and that my kids grow up able to take care of themselves and get out of my hair.
Friday, February 29, 2008
The NEW Mr Rogers
This is Marty's brother. Is he not the Mr. Rogers of the new generation?
Exercise Neurosis
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Employee Foundation
- Champion an organization for a grant
- Review and approve grants
Right now I am reviewing the grants and rating them for approval. The gal that runs the program is ready to throw me out of the process because I keep asking questions! :-)
The thing is....I take this all very seriously and want to make sure I am giving each group the appropriate consideration. The grants I am considering are worth about $350k. And all the organizations are trying to do the right thing, so it is tough reviewing them.
Gotta Love those Pre-teens
So.... I tell him last nite that I am planning on participating in the field trip and here is our converstation:
Drew: "Oh - I really want to go with Tyler's Mom. But you can still go."
Me: " Why would I go if you are going with another Mom?"
Drew: "Well, you can just take some other kids. I still want you to go but I REALLY want to go with Tyler's Mom."
Me: "Oh yea, just what I want to do, experience a 6th grade field trip with someone else's kid!"
So, the window of 4 hours is now open again! When I told his teacher about the conversation, she cracked up - such a pre-teen!
Two in braces?!?!
It goes in the roof of her mouth and we turn a key every nite that causes her palate to expand or widen. This will help with her bulldog cross bite.
This pic gives you a great insight into why she has trouble with "S's" and "R's" - her palate is so narrow and deep and her tongue is so BIG that it is hard to get the right position for the R and S sounds.
That is a scary looking mouth. And in it, I see dollar is going to cost a fortune to fix!
Student of the Month
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Loss of a friend....
The world is not as vibrant with her gone. And I hurt for her son who won't ever realize how much she loved him. will be missed.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tree down
Weekend highlights
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Family Time
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Heart Day
Ours was uneventful. Drew got a purple basketball. Gracie got a stuffed frog and Jim got a book about emrgency medical care in the back country! I got a lot of hugs and kisses. And Drew made dinner and frosted the heart shaped cake we made.
All in all a good day!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Glasses

By Grace M.
There was once a little boy named Drew. One day his glasses fell into a lake. He started to cry. But his mother told him a story. This was the story:
There is a fish down there that is not so cool and he is going to find your glasses. He is going to swim into school and say, “HEY! Like my glasses?” But the other fish still didn’t really like him. So he went out hunting for some other cool stuff. He went to the barber shop to get a new hair do. Then he went to the mall to get some new clothes. While he was at the mall, he got some new swim shoes that say “Go T” on them. Then he went searching around for a comb to comb is hair. There was a nice comb over by the boat ramp where a boat was getting launched. So, he tried to stay out of its way so he was not caught. He swam back to school and said, “Do you guys think I am cool?” “Yea, you are the coolest,” said the fish. And then they said “do you want to go out and have some dinner or a snack with us?”
They went out for some food at the Breakfast Fish Inn. They had some stuff to eat and a glass of sea water. And they went on their way. They were right in time for the annual fish race!
That is Drew’s mom’s story. It made him forget about losing his glasses.
The End
Sunday, February 10, 2008
- He loves his kids unconditionally and with all his heart and soul and they know it.
- He is committed to his wife and his marriage - there is no doubt about it.
- He loves Scooby Doo as much now as he did when he was eight.
- He is kind hearted and down to earth.
- I can count on him for anything.
- He is a great Uncle B to my kids.
- He takes the time to follow his interests, whether it is tennis, writing or going to Vegas.
- He just wrote a children's book based on a story he told Sam and Jack.
- He grows an enormous garden every summer that harvests enough tomatoes for a small nation and he is always willing to share.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Daughter Dad date
Thursday, February 07, 2008
This morning I went out running for the first time in a while and to stay up with my more intense workout, I did sprints and football agility excercises (the tire thing). The dog must have thought I was crazy! As soon as I would do the agility excercises, she would run back to me and stay right next to me! And when I sprinted, she would turn up the speed too! We must have looked like quite the sight at the crack of dawn!
job update
If anything, this made us MORE focused!
Recently, I grabbed a cup, started filling it with hot water, looked down to see my watch and earrings covered in about half a cup of hot water!!!! My watch no longer works - the earrings are fine!
A bad day?
Her team at work accidently shut down the company network for an hour, caused a building to be evacuated and set off the halon system!
Note to SS: You are my hero!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Book Club
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Super Bowl
We took a hike in the hail and rain to work up and appetite for:
- stuffed mushrooms
- pineapple
- chili cheese dip
- spinach dip
- sausages
Bad Book Review
Weekend Update
The best place to clear your head is in the middle of the quiet wilderness. So we packed up our snow shoes, fishing poles, cooler and chairs and went to Cherry Lake. The snow was about 4 feet deep and it snowed nonstop all day. We snow shoed down to the lake and tossed in a line. Then we went about to building the mother of all snow forts! After a few hours, we hiked back up to the truck, had lunch and sledded for a couple hours. All in all, a great way to get rejuvanated and be ready to kick some serious butt on Monday when returning to work.