Thursday, September 28, 2006

Best Doggie Friends

This is Daisy Mae (on the right) and her best friend Toby. Toby lives next door and the two of them play together a few times a week. We can let Daisy out the front door and tell her to go see if Toby can play and she runs next door and paws at Toby's front door. Toby was a rescued dog who was abused by his previous owner. When our neighbor Rob adopted him, he was REALLY timid. But he has learned that whatever Daisy does is safe and he follows her lead. He now plays with the kids, drinks out of the hose and wanders into our house. When he was younger he didn't even like coming into the front yard. They are truly best friends. They play chase and wrestle around chewing on each others ears, necks and legs!

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