If you had not heard, Jim and I went to London and Paris last week without the kids! We were gone from Saturday to Saturday. We spent most of the week in London seeing all the sites: St Paul's Catherdral, the Golden Hinde (Sir Francis Drake's ship), the London Eye and many, many pubs. Our favorite pub was a non-smoking pub called the Black Friars. That was where we stopped after a long day of walking around the city and had a pint of "speckled hen"! Of course, we promptly nicknamed is "Betty Beer" because Betty is our speckled hen!
Probably the highlight of the London part of the trip was seeing the play The Mousetrap. It is an Agatha Christie play that has been playing for 54 years. It was great and we would highly recommend it if you go to London.
We also wandered upon an all vegetarian restarant - imagine my delight! I dragged Jim in and we had a yummy dinner. He had a beef stew type of dinner that he said his meat loving friends would never know was fake meat. I was less adventuresome and had a chicken potpie. The best part about that dinner was an appetizer that was grilled hallamiou cheese, which is a greek goats milk cheese that they actually grill without it melting into a puddle.
On the last day of our trip, we took the train thru the chunnel to Paris. It is a 2 and 1/2 hour trip each way. The train left at 7:10 am and we returned to London at 9 pm. It was a whirlwind trip in Paris but well worth it - we saw Notre Dame, the Louve and the Eiffel Tower. Or favorite part was sitting in a french bakery and having tea and pastries!
It was a great trip but it is good to be home. We missed everyone - the kids, the dog, the chickens, the whole family and all our friends. Being away sure makes us realize how lucky we are!
* This is a pic of us at the Louve - which was outstanding! We saw the Mona Lisa. Super Cool.
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