Clean up continues |
Jim, G and I are at the cabin this weekend and since that water levels are too low to get a boat in a lake that is close, we decided to go on a boondoggle.
We loaded up drinks, a picnic lunch, towels and the dogs and headed out towards
Hetch Hetchy.
We had plans to do some geochaching along the way. It was interesting because the night before when we were looking at the geocaches and downloading them there was a whole bunch that had not been found since May/June/July 2013 and then a couple that had been found in June and August of this year. Well....once we got there it because quite apparent why they had not been found in over a year -- they had burned up in the Rim Fire. All the caches that had not been found in over a year were located in areas that were completely devastated in the fire!
The fire did not reach Hetch Hetchy proper but was all over the area driving into Hetch Hetchy.
Hetch Hetchy |
The Dam |
We hiked around Hetch Hetchy a bit. Me on the side that allows dogs and Jim and Grace on the dam and the side that does not allow dogs. There is not a lot to do out there. I would recommend it for backpackers and day hikers who want to do a long hike. But that is about it - no boating or swimming. You can fish but the reports are terrible.
Hetch Hetchy Valley - right before the lake - shows the devastation |
After checking out the lake, we headed back and stopped at a creek to let the dogs play. It was an area that had been burned and the depth of the ash was amazing. Daisy sunk ankle deep. It was great....wet dog coated with ash! It's why I can't get a new rig.
Then we had a picnic at a nice picnic spot. Nectarines, salami, cheese, crackers and milano cookies. Yum!
Headed out, stopped at every camp ground to check it out. I found some nice ones for my coworker who has a home made tear drop trailer. I think she should try out
Dimond O. It is quiet and a nice location to play in a creek, go to Evergreen Lodge and check out Hetch Hetchy.
Then we stopped at
Rainbow Pools. It was crazy busy - looked like Disneyland in nature - there were people everywhere!!! We didn't stop. Just drove thru and observed the crazy.
Then we headed to a new bakery that shares a building with the river rafter companies. We were hoping to get a pie but apparently they only make pies to order. So we had to make do with some smaller items - a little cherry turnover for Jim and rice krispy treats for me and G. Yum. While there we were checking out pictures of recent river rafting. Back in late July we had some local thunder storms which cause the Toulomne River to fill with mud and silt and it looked like chocolate milk while they were rafting it. The pictures are amazing!
Last stop for our boondoggle was a stop to let Grace practicing her driving. She is doing great. A little over 6 months until she gets her permit.
All in all --- a great day!