You know what hurts worse than childbirth?
A tiny pimple on your upper lip line.
This is a blog by a "real" mom for other "real" moms. I am no fakey who is wonderful at everything....I do a lot of different things and try to do them well...but when it comes right down to it, I am just an average mom trying to do the right thing to ensure my family is happy and healthy and that my kids grow up able to take care of themselves and get out of my hair.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Party
Gracie recently went to a birthday party on a boat! Her friend Kayla had a bunch of friends do a day on the lake for her birthday. Drew went a long as a helper and to keep the big brother of the birthday girl company. The report from the day was that it was really fun. HOWEVER, both Drew and the birthday girl's mom reported that the girls incessant talking and loudness made them CRAZY!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Super Dog!
Big Feet
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Shoulder Therapy
I had my first physical therapy appt today for my left shoulder. We are trying the anti inflamatory meds shot in with electrical stimulation. Plus we are doing ice, stretching and REST! I had to crack up when the first thing she told me was not to carry anything heavy with that shoulder like a purse or BACKPACK! I had to break the news to her that I was going backpacking next week but that I would be sure to tell my co-backpackers that they would have to carry all my stuff...doctors orders!
She must have told me 10 times that she is worried about me over doing it! Didn't take her long to figure me out!
Stay tuned....this should be interesting!
She must have told me 10 times that she is worried about me over doing it! Didn't take her long to figure me out!
Stay tuned....this should be interesting!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Backpacking Prep
We are getting ready for a backpacking trip to Kibbie Lake ( and are having as much fun getting ready as we will on our trip.
Yesterday, we spent half the day at REI and Any Mountain. I got a new pair of boots because my boots were causing my toes to bruise (ouch). And we got some freeze dried food.
I wanted to try putting freeze dried eggs in some ramen to make it healthier and add some protein. So yesterday, my dorky husband (picture him wearing his head lamp in the kitchen in the middle of the day!) set up our backpacking stoves in the kitchen and made a test meal for me: ramen with freeze dried scrambled eggs mixed in. YUK! EWWWW! GROSS! The eggs were like eating ground up super balls. So glad we did a test run because there is no way we could have eaten it on the trail!
I think we will stick with plain old ramen with some veggies in it!
Yesterday, we spent half the day at REI and Any Mountain. I got a new pair of boots because my boots were causing my toes to bruise (ouch). And we got some freeze dried food.
I wanted to try putting freeze dried eggs in some ramen to make it healthier and add some protein. So yesterday, my dorky husband (picture him wearing his head lamp in the kitchen in the middle of the day!) set up our backpacking stoves in the kitchen and made a test meal for me: ramen with freeze dried scrambled eggs mixed in. YUK! EWWWW! GROSS! The eggs were like eating ground up super balls. So glad we did a test run because there is no way we could have eaten it on the trail!
I think we will stick with plain old ramen with some veggies in it!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Champs Swim Meet
Today was the Champs Swim Meet for Gracie's team. We left home at 6 am and got home at 2:30 pm. Then we were suppose to go to the end of the year pool party but Gracie was not feeling well so we skipped it. Jim and I were so tired you would have thought we swam the events ourselves!
Gracie did pretty well for not feeling very well (she took a 45 minute nap in a chair). But I was sad that she was sick for the last meet and couldn't enjoy it like normal.
Gracie did pretty well for not feeling very well (she took a 45 minute nap in a chair). But I was sad that she was sick for the last meet and couldn't enjoy it like normal.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A life well lived
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A time of transition
Our family is in a time a transition. Our oldest generation is passing on and leaving the next younger generation to move into the patriarch and matriarch roles.
My Grandma (my dad's mom) died last week, leaving my dad as the oldest member of his family. My Grandma was 87.
My Grandpa (my mom's step father) is in the final stages of his life now. He is in bed and doesn't barely eat. Thankfully my mom was able to visit him while there for my Grandma's funeral (they live in another state). And I have just put a bunch of pictures in the mail with hopes that he will be alert enough when they arrive to enjoy them. I did get a chuckle today when my mom said that they put some polka music on for Grandpa today and he wiggled his toes!
God bless them both! And give us all strength and peace to accept this period of transition.
My Grandma (my dad's mom) died last week, leaving my dad as the oldest member of his family. My Grandma was 87.
My Grandpa (my mom's step father) is in the final stages of his life now. He is in bed and doesn't barely eat. Thankfully my mom was able to visit him while there for my Grandma's funeral (they live in another state). And I have just put a bunch of pictures in the mail with hopes that he will be alert enough when they arrive to enjoy them. I did get a chuckle today when my mom said that they put some polka music on for Grandpa today and he wiggled his toes!
God bless them both! And give us all strength and peace to accept this period of transition.
A gang....
I loved this pic of the kids at Cherry on the back of the Pontoon Mama! We have a similar pic from a few years ago. The next pic they took was them making "gang signs". The closest they could come to being a gang is a gang of dorks! We told them that if they ever saw a gangster that they would wet their pants.
They are some good looking, nice kids! (if I do say so myslelf...)
Jim and Marty in Love
Monday, July 05, 2010
Adam Burns Band
We went to a small town concert last nite. The band, The Adam Burns Band, was one we had seen over the New Years Holiday at Badger Pass. I had purchased their CD back in January and was happy to get to see them again. The venue was a small garden center near the cabin. We brought our own lawn chairs and picnic dinner. We danced on the lawn and had a great time!
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Crawdad Hunting
"On Alert"
Went crawdad hunting today down at Big Creek.
We ran into a family that had just seen a bear! So this is a pic of Ahi on bear alert! (not really - she was just hanging out in the grass oblivious to the danger that was lurking around her! remember...she is a dog of little brain!)
We caught one crawdad and put it in Tina's fancy water bottle! We brought him back to the cabin, made him a habitat and named him Bob.
Underwear Liason
Nothing but drama....Marty forgot his underwear and we will be on our trip for 10 days!
So, we start trying to problem do we find underwear for Marty without driving into Sonora. Here are some ideas:
1. Marty could wear Tina's underwear.
2. Jim said Marty could wear soon as Jim was done with it.
3. Marty said he could just wear his bike shorts that he had with him....that lasted until our first walk when he got so hot he thought his crotch might catch on fire. know!
4. Someone suggested going to the second hand/thrift store in town.
We finally settled on calling Grandma Kathy and having her stop at Costco on the way up to the cabin and purchasing Marty some new tightie whities! Here first response, when we asked, was....."this is above and beyond the call of duty"!
On her way to the cabin, Grandma called the cabin to check in and Marty answered the phone. Marty's question to her...."do you have your hands on my underwear yet?"....
That was only the beginning of the jokes related to Marty's underwear!
So, we start trying to problem do we find underwear for Marty without driving into Sonora. Here are some ideas:
1. Marty could wear Tina's underwear.
2. Jim said Marty could wear soon as Jim was done with it.
3. Marty said he could just wear his bike shorts that he had with him....that lasted until our first walk when he got so hot he thought his crotch might catch on fire. know!
4. Someone suggested going to the second hand/thrift store in town.
We finally settled on calling Grandma Kathy and having her stop at Costco on the way up to the cabin and purchasing Marty some new tightie whities! Here first response, when we asked, was....."this is above and beyond the call of duty"!
On her way to the cabin, Grandma called the cabin to check in and Marty answered the phone. Marty's question to her...."do you have your hands on my underwear yet?"....
That was only the beginning of the jokes related to Marty's underwear!
Rescue Rescue

It's our second day of vacation and we have already conducted TWO rescues!
The first one was on Friday nite.
After I got done working (I worked from the cabin that day), I met Jim, Drew, Gracie and Jeremy down on the boat. We were going out for a swim off the boat. On our way to the bouy we were going to tie up to, Jeremy saw a sail boat go over. That happens all the time on the lake so we didn't think much of it. But as we were watching, we didn't see any people surface. So we started motoring in their direction. As we approached, we saw an older woman and man (late 60's). The woman was having a hard time clinging to the hull of the overturned boat and the man was trying unsuccessfully to upright the boat.
We asked if they needed help and they said "YES"! So the woman swam to our boat and got in it while Jim dove in to help the man with the boat. The boat's sails were filled with water so there was NO way it was going to be turned over. So while Drew manuevered our boat and Jim held onto the keel, the man undid the sails. Once the sails were down, Jeremy stood inside our boat and pulled the mast up out of the water while the man and Jim pulled on the keel.
While this was all happening, the PML boat patrol was no where in sight! So I called the front gate on Jim's cell phone and asked them to call the marina and send help!
Once the sailboat was over, it kept wanting to tip because it was so filled with water! So Jim bailed it out while treading water. The boat patrol showed up and towed the sail boat in while we took the woman to the shore.
The woman was soooo grateful that she kept offering dessert, drinks, batteries....anything we needed! We said, "no need, we are just sorry that our capes are in SJ!" Then we told her we were going fishing that nite and she said she thought we would have really good luck fishing because of our good deed!
The second rescue occurred on Saturday nite.
We went out on the boat to watch the fireworks (it was an awesome show) and once the fireworks were over, boats were headed in all different directions trying to get home. We decided to just sit there for awhile to let the chaos settle down.
While waiting there, a boat close to us started drifting into us as they were trying to start their boat. Everytime they tried to start it, smoke billowed out of the engine.
Finally, as they were close to hitting us they said they had no power. So we grabbed hold of them (to keep us from crashing into them) and looked at their engine to help them. Turns out that there was a rope wrapped around their propeller! The people in their boat could not get to it as they were at the wrong angle. So we pulled up our boat to their engine and Jim untangled the rope for them!
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