This is a blog by a "real" mom for other "real" moms. I am no fakey who is wonderful at everything....I do a lot of different things and try to do them well...but when it comes right down to it, I am just an average mom trying to do the right thing to ensure my family is happy and healthy and that my kids grow up able to take care of themselves and get out of my hair.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Girl Power!
Hillbilly Weather

They are doing ok but have great stories to tell. Including ice covering all the trees, losing there power for days at a time, cooking over their wood stove, etc.
This is a cool pic that my Uncle Dave sent.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Book Review
It talks about being in the middle between your parents and your kids. And how you swing back and forth between being a parent and being child.
Great development of characters (who are all real people) and candid discussion of feelings and how crazy those feelings and reactions can be.
It is a quick read and well worth the time investment. The relationship between her and her dad is especially inspiring.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Fungus Lips Chiweenie Butt
At our house yesterday we had a similar experience. I called Ahi, "Chiweenie butt", which is a term of endearment at our house. Amelia heard me, so she started saying "Chiweenie butt" in a VERY loud sing song voice while dancing around the front yard!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The whole gang
All the kids were over last nite and they were playing "robbery" ( I think there are too many real life crime shows on tv)! A bunch of the kids went up stairs and put on disguises (see pic of Gracie and Mimi) and two of the kids were downstairs in the family room with the cash register. The bad guys came downstairs and robbed the people with the cash register. The best part was when Mimi was holding onto the cash register and trying to pull it away from the bad guys.
In the pic Mimi seems to be playing the role.....she looks like a bad guy with her "just try to get me" experession! Gracie looks like a sweet little girl!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Dead dogs?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Chiweenie Love
The Girls
Kingof Dorkland
Once upon a time there was a King. His name was Doug and he was the King of Dorkland. And he had four loyal subjects:
* Princess Gracie
* Prince Tyler
* Prince Drew
* Prince Jeremy
The King was always getting himself and his loyal subjects into trouble. One day while wandering in the forest, they searched for dead bodies or gold in old mines. They really wanted to find gold but had been watching too much NCIS on tv so they were thinking of dead bodies.
Lucky for them, they did not find any dead bodies. But sadly....they did not find any gold either.
Not to worry, the King of Dorkland is probably sitting in his throne right now thinking up more adventures.
Snow shelter
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I woke up at 5 am to let Ahi out and I was really hungry. I thought it would go away.
I left for the gym at 5:45 am and was still really hungry. I wished I had a banana.
I rode three miles and thought that the feeling would go away. Nope.
At 7 am, I started a one hour excercise class. My stomach was growling and my brain was distracted.
At 8:45 am, I heated up my oatmeal (steel cut with golden raisans and walnuts)! And as Drew says: Hallelujah!!!
I am still eating it and thinking about what I will have for lunch!
It is going to be a long day!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Who needs a baby with a whiner and sneezer
At about 3 am we were startled awake by giant dog sneezes. I mean GIANT dog sneezes! Daisy sneezed 4 times in a row with the biggest sneezes you have ever heard - it was like her head was going to explode! The probalem was that when she sleeps on her back, nose spit runs back into her snout and makes her sneeze. My guess is she had been sound asleep on her back for awhile and then woke up with tons of nose spit in her schnoz! Thus causing the 6.0 (on a richter scale) sneezes!!! By the end of the second sneeze we had both jumped out of bed and turned on the lite! Scared the bejeezes out of me! woke up the Chiweenie! UGH! So, now she is whining in her crate. I tell her to be quiet and go back to sleep which she did for about 45 minutes and then she started again. So I had to finally get up and let her out.
We were up for about 2 hours thru all this! I am way to old for this! And now the two of them are sound asleep in my office next to me, while I work!
Monday, January 12, 2009
However there will be no squid pics as they did not catch any.
A good friend....
You know you have a great friend when you get a voice message like this at work:
"Hi, it's Auntie Debbie. Ahi went to the pet store with us and was a little nervous nelly. She is now back in her crate and seemed to enjoy the trip. OH! and Harvey the Pitbull was getting dog food too!"
Auntie Deb is a great friend for checking on Ahi and taking her on an errand with her.
And she is a great friend for giving me details about Harvey the Pitbull because she knows I would enjoy that detail!
I am blessed with good friends! Who love the doggies like me!
And I am lucky to have Jeremy to assist Auntie Deb because he is so kind to the doggies!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
I scored a cinnamon raisin bagel!
OH! The little things in life! Happy happy happy!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Show 1:
Dr. Kelso's beautiful replacement, the unethical Dr. Maddox (guest star Courteney Cox), shakes things up a bit, while J.D. struggles to manage new interns.
Show 2:
J.D. and Turk set aside their decade long steak night tradition to comfort a dying patient, while Dr. Maddox (guest star Courteney Cox) begins to show her true colors.
Plus as a double comes on right after NCIS!
For someone who rarely watches tv, I am in over my head today!
AI pool anyone?
$20, 12 weeks glued to your television set and 3 winners (only if you consider 2nd and 3rd place a winner) in the end.
Let me know if you interested or not.
Rules are simple:
When the top 12 are announced, you must pick who gets eliminated each week before the show starts. All picks must be in before the start of the top 12. 1 being eliminated week 1 and 12 being eliminated the last week (this is the winner of the show)
You will be rewarded 1 point for getting week 1 right, 2 points for week 2, so on and so fourth.
Payout Breakdown as follows:
1st place - 60%
2nd place - 30%
3rd place - 10%
So far I have the following folks interested:
Team Walker
Anyone else?
Monday, January 05, 2009
I did a walk around the outside of the house, making sure there was no broken windows, packages left out, etc. I found a utility closet outside the house open. I looked in thinking the wind probably blew it open and was going to close it. That is when I smelled gas.....
It is one of those times where you hope you are hallucinating because you really don't want to deal with it. So I walked away and then walked back...sniffing. Yep! That was gas!
Hours of work later, PG&E comes out, finds a leak in the manifold and fixes it!
I guess I was lucky to have noticed as it would have been bad if the house blew up while they were gone!