This is a blog by a "real" mom for other "real" moms. I am no fakey who is wonderful at everything....I do a lot of different things and try to do them well...but when it comes right down to it, I am just an average mom trying to do the right thing to ensure my family is happy and healthy and that my kids grow up able to take care of themselves and get out of my hair.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Cabin Trip
This weekend was Ahi's first trip to the cabin. She did well on the way up here. We stopped a couple times and she stayed in her crate in the truck.
We have taken her boating, hiking and swimming. She can swim but does not seem to like it. It might be because of the temperature of the water. This pic is after she had gone for a walk in the morning and then a long hike at lunchtime. She looked DEAD! All four legs straight up in the air.
We took her to an area that had a lot of bear activity. We saw a hunter who said she was the perfect bear hunting dog as she could dart in and out of the brush looking for bears! HA! Who would have ever thought the frightened dog we adopted 6 weeks ago could be a "bear dog"!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Learning Disability Simulation
On Monday nite Jim and I went to a learning disability simulation seminar. The purpose is to have the attendees have an experience of what it feels like to have a learning disability of the following kind:
* dyslexia
* hearing
* small motor skills
* attention
* tracking
We did things like:
Trying to read a story that was written with symbols instead of words, trying to write numbers and trace pictures while looking in a mirror, taking spelling tests when you could barely hear the guy saying the words and there was noise in the background, reading a story that was written backwards, so you could not distinguish a "b", from a "d" or "p" from "q" and "g". While you are doing all these exercises there are "teachers" walking around the room talking and saying things like:
* You need to hurry up
* Sound it out
* Don't forget to put your name on the paper
* If you can't get this you will have to stay in at recess
* The bluebird group is moving much faster than your group
* Looks like you need extra help
* Your brother caught onto this way quicker than you
After each exercise we debriefed the experience. Everyone used words like: stressed, overwhelmed, sad, defeated, tense... And after each exercise we felt exhausted and each exercise was only 8 minutes!
Imagine being a kid who has a learning disability and experiencing this ALL DAY in school. It has got to be exhausting.
Gracie came with us and watched the whole event - which was very powerful for her.
We were the only parents in the class -- There was about 40 students from the local colleges that were teaching students and counselling students.
At the end of the session, one of the professors asked Gracie if she would be willing to say a few words about how she has accommodated for the troubles she has. And GOD BLESS her, it was one of my proudest moments as a mom, she spoke loud and clear and told all these people about what she does to deal with dyslexia. It had to be so empowering for her. And I was so proud!!!!
Both Jim and I came away with a better feeling of what she deals with everyday. Although I admitted to her that although it gives me a much better feeling of how she feels, there is no way I will ever know exactly what it is like for her.
She is an amazing kid and part of what makes her amazing is her dyslexia.
* dyslexia
* hearing
* small motor skills
* attention
* tracking
We did things like:
Trying to read a story that was written with symbols instead of words, trying to write numbers and trace pictures while looking in a mirror, taking spelling tests when you could barely hear the guy saying the words and there was noise in the background, reading a story that was written backwards, so you could not distinguish a "b", from a "d" or "p" from "q" and "g". While you are doing all these exercises there are "teachers" walking around the room talking and saying things like:
* You need to hurry up
* Sound it out
* Don't forget to put your name on the paper
* If you can't get this you will have to stay in at recess
* The bluebird group is moving much faster than your group
* Looks like you need extra help
* Your brother caught onto this way quicker than you
After each exercise we debriefed the experience. Everyone used words like: stressed, overwhelmed, sad, defeated, tense... And after each exercise we felt exhausted and each exercise was only 8 minutes!
Imagine being a kid who has a learning disability and experiencing this ALL DAY in school. It has got to be exhausting.
Gracie came with us and watched the whole event - which was very powerful for her.
We were the only parents in the class -- There was about 40 students from the local colleges that were teaching students and counselling students.
At the end of the session, one of the professors asked Gracie if she would be willing to say a few words about how she has accommodated for the troubles she has. And GOD BLESS her, it was one of my proudest moments as a mom, she spoke loud and clear and told all these people about what she does to deal with dyslexia. It had to be so empowering for her. And I was so proud!!!!
Both Jim and I came away with a better feeling of what she deals with everyday. Although I admitted to her that although it gives me a much better feeling of how she feels, there is no way I will ever know exactly what it is like for her.
She is an amazing kid and part of what makes her amazing is her dyslexia.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Once Upon a Time
The title of this story is.....You Can't Lose a Good Chiweenie
Once a upon a time a Queen went out for her morning run. Since she had a new Chiweenie, she ran laps around the school so that the Chiweenie could be off leash during the exercise session and the Queen could get in a good workout. (Young Chiweenies shouldn't run for 4 miles on a leash). So the queen is running laps, in the dark (its 5:30 am). The Queen's trusty Labrador is by her side the whole run. The Chiweenie was darting in and out of the run. The Queen finished the run and did some lunges and squats. (Note: this is not one of those stories where the queen is a big fat out of shape queen.)
This is when the Queen noticed that the Chiweenie was no longer darting about. In fact, there was NO Chiweenie anywhere to be found!!!
The Queen swore like a sailor.
Then the Queen did laps around the school looking for the Chiweenie and whistling.
No Chiweenie! (Note: The trusty Labrador was secretly doing a happy dance!)
So the Queen decides to run the route she normal takes home from the school hoping the Chiweenie was smart enough to head home. (Note: the Queen quietly notes that the Chiweenie's brain is the size of a pea and it is unlikely that she could find her way out of a paper bag. But there is always hope).
So the Queen and the trusty Labrador run home, whistling the whole way. (Note: not whistling like the 7 Dwarfs, whistling like calling a Chiweenie).
When the Queen got back to her castle, there was NO Chiweenie and the King was in the front window looking out and clearly wondering where his Chiweenie was. When the Queen entered the castle, the King jokingly asked, "Dd you lose my Chiweenie?" To which, the Queen replied, "Yes - she is gone." At first the King could not believe the words of the Queen.
But when the Queen got the keys to her rig and headed out the door to search for the Chiweenie, the King new it was true. The King, being a trusty and helpful King, started to get his bicycle while the Queen jumped in her rig. As the Queen was backing out the rig, the King declared, "There is the Chiweenie!!!"
Across the foggy street, came the Chiweenie, running like a boogie man was chasing her!
The Queen had doubted the Chiweenie could find her way home -- But as a wise man once said, "You can't lose a good Chiweenie"!
OK....the wise man was actually Grandpa Roy and he said, you can't lose a good dog but the morale of the story sounds better as..."You can't lose a good Chiweenie!"
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Mothers Day Tea
We went out for our annual mothers day tea today. I know it is
a little late, but it is the first time we could all get together. Plus we had the great fortune of my Auntie Potty (AKA Aunt Pat) being in town from Kentucky - so she could attend to! I just love going to tea. It is such a relaxing way to spend a couple hours. And I love being with all the ladies in our family.
What could have been.
Conversation between Gracie and I:
Grace: "Mom, come here."
Me: "What?"
Grace: "You gotta see this."
I follow her and she points out what I see in these pics.
Grace: "Look at Ahi. She is livin' the dream...."
Sure enough,
Ahi is living the Chiweenie dream! I leaned down and told Ahi, "I told you that you had won the doggie jackpot when you came home with us.....if it weren't for us, you'd be deader than a doorknob".
Lucky for Ahi, she doesn't understand what I am saying or it would have ruined her moment of "livin' the dream"!
Friday, November 21, 2008
This happened last week and I almost forgot to blog about it:
I ran out to get a newspaper at about 6:45 am. Ahi heard me grab my keys and came running to go with me. We jump in the truck and off we go. I pull up right in front of the grocery store, hop out of the truck and get a newspaper from the machine. I walk back to the truck - which is running - and try to open the door. Ahi is inside and has pressed the lock button locking herself in the running truck in the emergency lane outside the grocery store!! And my phone is in the truck with her.
Luckily the grocery store was open and I borrowed their phone. Here is the call I made:
Jim: Hello
Chris: Hi! Would you care to run up to the store with my extra set of keys and rescue a very worried chiweenie who has locked herself in my truck that is running????
Jim: ha ha ha ha ha ha.....I will be right there!
That chiweenie cracks us up!
I ran out to get a newspaper at about 6:45 am. Ahi heard me grab my keys and came running to go with me. We jump in the truck and off we go. I pull up right in front of the grocery store, hop out of the truck and get a newspaper from the machine. I walk back to the truck - which is running - and try to open the door. Ahi is inside and has pressed the lock button locking herself in the running truck in the emergency lane outside the grocery store!! And my phone is in the truck with her.
Luckily the grocery store was open and I borrowed their phone. Here is the call I made:
Jim: Hello
Chris: Hi! Would you care to run up to the store with my extra set of keys and rescue a very worried chiweenie who has locked herself in my truck that is running????
Jim: ha ha ha ha ha ha.....I will be right there!
That chiweenie cracks us up!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Turkey Trot
I have always wanted to do a "turkey trot", only because the name makes me giggle! Well, I finally got my opportunity. I did the turkey trot yesterday at work and was lucky enough to come in first place. And it was a real win because most of the folks took a short cut and I did the whole route! Lots of drama about the shortcut! The best part is I won a pair of shoes from a local running store.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Girls weekend - Cabin
I went on a girls weekend with 6 girlfriends this last weekend. It was our book club meeting for this month. We covered the book in about 5 minutes while eating lunch on our way up to the cabin. Then it was just all rest and relaxation.
It had to be the best girls weekend of all time. Not because it was wild and crazy but because it was totally restful. I literally did everything I love to do to relax:
* read a whole book (The Honeymoon by James Patterson)
* played games
* hiked
* kayaked
* walked my dog
* ate yummy mexican food
I did not bring Ahi with me. I am sure she was distraught at first but she got over it. When I got home, she was pretty happy to see me. But while I was holding her, she looked down at Daisy Mae and got all fired up! She was even happier to see Daisy!!!
It had to be the best girls weekend of all time. Not because it was wild and crazy but because it was totally restful. I literally did everything I love to do to relax:
* read a whole book (The Honeymoon by James Patterson)
* played games
* hiked
* kayaked
* walked my dog
* ate yummy mexican food
I did not bring Ahi with me. I am sure she was distraught at first but she got over it. When I got home, she was pretty happy to see me. But while I was holding her, she looked down at Daisy Mae and got all fired up! She was even happier to see Daisy!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Presidential Dog?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thank You!
As most of you know, Tina and Marty were our day care providers for 12 years. They recently closed up their daycare business to start a new catering and personal chef business. A few of the families they provided care for started talking about how to thank them....we decided to do a surprise party which occured on Saturday nite. Sixty eight people came - one family came from Colorado - to honor and thank the people who helped raise our kids. This picture shows the kids who came to the party. These kids are lucky to have such wonderful adults in their lives!
Thank you Tina and Marty for helping us raise our kids! We could not have done it without you!
Play by Play
Here are the text messages I got from Jim on Saturday nite while he was watching Gracie's very 1st hockey game. Gracie played goalie on an all girls team and they played against an all boys team. I was at a party.
6:06 - 3 to 3
6:13 - 4 to 3 girls
6:14 - start of 3rd period
6:18 - woo hoo 6 to 3 girls
6:26 - grace making save after save
6:27 - 4 min left
6:27 - Doh 6 to 4
6:30 - shit 6 to 5
6:30 - aaaagh 6 to 6
6:31 - Doh 7 to 6 boys
6:32 - stupid boys
6:06 - 3 to 3
6:13 - 4 to 3 girls
6:14 - start of 3rd period
6:18 - woo hoo 6 to 3 girls
6:26 - grace making save after save
6:27 - 4 min left
6:27 - Doh 6 to 4
6:30 - shit 6 to 5
6:30 - aaaagh 6 to 6
6:31 - Doh 7 to 6 boys
6:32 - stupid boys
We had 6 soccer games and 2 hockey games this weekend! Talk about being overscheduled!
These are some pics from Drew's game this weekend. They played at a local high school on a turf field which is a cool experience for them.
Drew made the only score for his team in this game....and he made it off his face -- not his head -- his face!
It rebounded off the goalie and another player then hit him in the face and went in the goal. Way to be in the right spot!!!!
He is the closest one in blue in the pic with the refs, the one on the left in the pic going full speed towards the goal and the one trapping the ball in the last pic.
Soccer Jamboree
Gracie donated her giant wood dollhouse to Amelia and Amelia LOVES it. Here she is putting all her princesses to bed. She particulary likes the benk bed which travels with her most of the places she goes.
She was quite alarmed with the Dad that came with the dollhouse as he only had one arm! Daisy Mae chewed the other arm off! So now the dollhouse only houses princesses.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
I have been taking Pilates at lunchtime on Wednesdays for about 6 weeks now. I really like it as an addition to my workout. I feel a lot stronger and more toned. Although there are some regulars, most people seem to come and go in the class. I assume that folks don't come back because it is hard work and if you are not in, at least, decent shape, you could be really miserable.
Today there was a lady next to me that I am pretty sure won't be coming back....ever! She moaned thru the whole class! Like she was having a baby! It was so ridiculous that I was almost giggling! She was completely out of her element!
Today there was a lady next to me that I am pretty sure won't be coming back....ever! She moaned thru the whole class! Like she was having a baby! It was so ridiculous that I was almost giggling! She was completely out of her element!
After spending all day on Sunday with his cousins, Drew proclaimed, out of the blue: "I love Sam and Jack!". Gotta love a teenage boy who can express his emotions.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Pile of cousins....
Assume the position....
Monday, November 03, 2008
Beauty Queen?
Drew said the funniest thing the other day. It made me laugh so hard that I had to share.
He was all in a tizzy about something ridiculous and was starting to take his frustrations out on Grace. He walked by her and pretended to elbow her while she was sitting at the counter peacefully eating her breakfast. I was sitting right across from her, saw it and told him that it was unacceptable and not necessary to do that.
He walked away and denied he had done anything and then started ranting and raving about how we treat Gracie better then him and that we treat her "like a beauty queen"! I almost spit out my breakfast laughing so hard. Gracie started giggling too! Beauty queen?????? Gracie????? Has he never looked at her before????
I looked at Gracie and said, "you could look like a beauty queen if you wanted to but most of the time, we are lucky if you hair is combed and your face is clean!" She laughed and agreed!"
That has got to be the most off base thing Drew has ever come up with.....we treat Gracie like a beauty queen? Yep....that is what we are doing when we tell her not to beat up her brother, knock down her soccer opponents, wrestle with her brothers friends or fall out of trees!
He was all in a tizzy about something ridiculous and was starting to take his frustrations out on Grace. He walked by her and pretended to elbow her while she was sitting at the counter peacefully eating her breakfast. I was sitting right across from her, saw it and told him that it was unacceptable and not necessary to do that.
He walked away and denied he had done anything and then started ranting and raving about how we treat Gracie better then him and that we treat her "like a beauty queen"! I almost spit out my breakfast laughing so hard. Gracie started giggling too! Beauty queen?????? Gracie????? Has he never looked at her before????
I looked at Gracie and said, "you could look like a beauty queen if you wanted to but most of the time, we are lucky if you hair is combed and your face is clean!" She laughed and agreed!"
That has got to be the most off base thing Drew has ever come up with.....we treat Gracie like a beauty queen? Yep....that is what we are doing when we tell her not to beat up her brother, knock down her soccer opponents, wrestle with her brothers friends or fall out of trees!
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